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It's gone all quiet....!!!


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Both on here and the UK pinball group it's gone rather quiet.... Is this because you're all out Christmas shopping???
I thought that too. Must be the whole Xmas thing. No spare cash flying around to prompt purchases and thus create a thread!!
I haven't been posting much but over the last few weeks I think there has been a lot of activity, then it slowed over the weekend.
I am waiting for my move to go through so I can get my pins set up and start being more involved.
You still not moved??? I was getting concerned that we'd all missed the house warming party ;)
A combination of my games being stored at my Dad's, being crazy busy with work and picking up a PS4 on launch day mean I haven't been doing much pinball related stuff recently :( Really missing having the games at home to tinker with, want to start the shop out on my TAF.....and finish the words longest Fish Tales restore :oops:
..... and picking up a PS4 on launch day mean I haven't been doing much pinball related stuff recently :(

And me, however i have managed to resist the temptations so far..... after my marathon COD/Killzone weekend ;)
Know the whereabouts of any wrecks?

AFM's not finished yet - plays, but will look loads better once it gets some work done in the new year. I'm itching to start right now... Well, maybe tomorrow, after work.
Thanks, first NIB and like a kid waiting for Christmas... ! Container has landed, being moved into warehouse this week so prob next week delivery.... but still no date. Bound to be a day when I'm working away, I couldn't be that lucky for a day working at home.... surely. :rolleyes:
Not long to wait now then. Fisrt NIB too! Nice choice I reckon.

I'm yet to experience a NIB but I can imagine how excited you are! I'd not be able to sleep!
Hopefully it will be my turn soon.

You should make an unboxing video! I love watching those. (Sad twat that I am...)
Yeah, never thought I'd do a NIB tbh (partially due to immediate value drop) but this title stands out for me and too impatient to wait for a used one to surface next year...

A couple have mentioned the unboxing video thing, not really me though... Got a couple of locals round same day likely, not sure I can wait till the evening to open up though. Got a USB stick with the new code to install straight away. :)

I'd not be able to sleep! Hopefully it will be my turn soon.

The right title and temptation will get the better of you I'm sure. ;) How's the new collection building going? I still enjoy your old HS2 occasionally (over at Luke Wells' gaff now).
The right title and temptation will get the better of you I'm sure. ;) How's the new collection building going? I still enjoy your old HS2 occasionally (over at Luke Wells' gaff now).

Metallica almost snagged me to be honest. Was pretty close to ordering one but put a deposit down on something else in the end.... :eek:

Collection building going OK thanks. Just had Martin here today dropping off Spiderman and a Maverick! So I officially have a collection again now. (Yay) Just about managed to get Spidey in the house and setup. Only had a couple of goes and it kicked my **** big time but it seems like a great game. I'm just too tired now to work out what I am supposed to be doing. Must go and watch the PAPA tutorial. :rolleyes:
You still not moved??? I was getting concerned that we'd all missed the house warming party ;)
Any house warming party will be after the "fix the roof", "clear the garden" and "find the pathway to bring the pinballs in" parties. There will be some sort of pin party but we are getting scarily close to Christmas now.
I wonder who is getting more frustrated at waiting, JMP or me. :(
Been waiting for my last action hero to arrive, bought it about four weeks ago... Martin on some super crazy route or something :(
Weirdly been enjoying Congo and the dawning realisation that after Xmas , April and slam weekend will be here at a rapid rate
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