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Instruction cards

Thank you for this thread. My sega star wars trilogy (my second pinball machine) had no cards just below where the flippers are, so I was wondering how I went about getting authentic replicas to put there.

I see Ken's site doesn't have any for Bally Knockout (my first pin), so I'll mail him and ask if he wants me to scan mine, as I'd love to contribute to the community.


Sometimes I buy in properly made cards for my higher value machines, but they are just too damn expensive for what they are

If there was someone in the UK that could print nice glossy cards out that are finished off properly surely there is decent market for selling them at £2-£3 a piece?
I should imagine that every image and font is copyrighted thus selling copyrighted images for profit could potentially result in mither, no idea how the seller who lists all them replicated translite posters on ebay gets away with it, both myself and John Hanson in the US who does the alternative translites (great guy BTW + have his email if anyone needs it ;)) had our collars felt without doing anything so blatantly criminal.
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Same here. It's only been going on since the Days of Wayno, and to be fair things are better now than they were then, however I hate to see people with new ideas and designs being stopped under the guise of "breach of copyright" - when in most cases it's dubious at best! :(
If there was someone in the UK that could print nice glossy cards out that are finished off properly surely there is decent market for selling them at £2-£3 a piece?

No need for glossy cards, just print off on to paper using a normal colour printer (laser or inkjet) then laminate (you can buy a laminator of £20, plus it will come in handy for other things). :D
Yup, not rocket science; think the main thing is to get a decent quality DPI jpg so that the txt is still nice and sharp after sizing/print.
Just a quick follow up regarding my previous post. I mailed Ken thanking him for his site and the Star Wars cards he has, that I don't have on my machine. I also asked if he wanted me to scan my Knockout cards. I got a mail back from Ken saying he was interested in my Bally Knockout cards, so I've scanned them and mailed them to him. Really pleased I could give something back. Will post up some pictures of my Star Wars Trilogy cards, once I get time to properly print them and fit them to my machine.


Can someone do me some nice Flash Gordon cards? My printer is buggered at the moment and the ones at work are **** for this sort of thing.
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