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Indiana Jones (Wms) Cabinet Touch Ups


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
The sides of the cab on my IJ are in great condition with very little fade but the same can't be said of the front round the coin door which has suffered in the sunlight. This has been bugging me recently and after trying to hunt down a replacement decal and looking at what was going to cost me I thought I'd have a go at touching it up myself (and then if I f*cked it up I'd bite the bullet and buy the decal). I followed a link from Ed Cheung's IJ webpage and came across someone who'd touched up a Black Rose cab using glass paints:


So after a trip out to Hobby Craft I set to work. First this is what it looked like before I started....


And these are the tools I bought. The blue was already good enough and I wasn't going to redo the yellow so just red and orange glass paints were bought....

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I removed the gun shooter then unbolted the coin door and fed it back inside the cab so I didn't have to worry about disconnecting any wiring. I used low tack stencil tape to mask off the sun rays and then broke out the paints.....

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Some things I discovered while doing this are the stencil tape didn't really work very well so when I removed it there was quite a bit of seep through which meant the lines weren't very sharp. This was easy to fix by holding a ruler against each line and then rubbing off the excess with a cloth with some lighter fuel on. The other thing to know is that I attempted to do 2 coats but glass paint doesn't seem to like this and when I put the 2nd coat on the first area it reacted with the first coated and looked crap. I rubbed this off using the cloth and lighter fuel and then repainted a single coat on that bit.

On the original cab the orange sun rays gradiate to yellow but it wasn't possible to replicate this effect by freehand painting. The Indiana Jones lettering also gradiate's to yellow like on the side of the cab so I had a go at freehanding this and I'm pretty pleased with how it came out.
And here are the results of the painting. First, another look at what it was like before.....


And here's what it looks like now.....

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I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. On close inspection it's pretty obvious that I've painted it but IMO it looks a hell of a lot better then what I had before and looks cool with the gold legs.
Under the gun, where it hasn't faded, really shows how much fade has occurred. That is amazing. I never knew they faded like that, so much colour lost.
The lettering really stands out now and the orange rays work so good work. 🍵
Under the gun, where it hasn't faded, really shows how much fade has occurred. That is amazing. I never knew they faded like that, so much colour lost.

Fade? That's not fade. I'll show you fade.......


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Nice, why are new decals so expensive. £300 on ebay for IJ ones. Am I missing something. I assume not genuine?
They're reproductions and I don't think they're being made anymore hence the high price. It's also the fact that it's a captive audience....most IJ's fade and people want new decals because it's one of the higher end Wms pins so are willing to pay that bit extra.
i bought my ij decals off pinball heaven 3 years ago, they were £220 back then, but at least they were the genuine artical, there are other versions about but not as good, something to do with the print process
Nice, why are new decals so expensive. £300 on ebay for IJ ones. Am I missing something. I assume not genuine?

Said decals that are selling for £300 are next generation meaning that they will not fade. Printed by Wayno (the blunder from Down Under) as some call him. They are printed on his all singing all dancing machine and are the best you can get.
Still £300 is pretty expensive. Like whats been said if you want the best for your top end machine then you will pay it.
Said decals that are selling for £300 are next generation meaning that they will not fade. Printed by Wayno (the blunder from Down Under) as some call him. They are printed on his all singing all dancing machine and are the best you can get.
Still £300 is pretty expensive. Like whats been said if you want the best for your top end machine then you will pay it.

If its fit and forget I suppose people can justify the £300. Although its not only his machine thats singing and dancing at that price lol
Cabinets looking great. Of course I'm not completely sold so ill have to visit again soon, just to be sure ;)

Keep up the good work
I remember reading a post where Rick from plantery pinball mentioned that the license cost was too much from lucasarts so they couldnt get permission to reproduce the IJ decals.
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