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Indiana Jones - WMS £1950

Matt Vince

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
As above, needs cleaning up but works fully and will come up lovely. feel free to call and arrange a visit.

Matt 07824 639 243
That won't be around for long
I would have had this but haven't got my **** into gear selling my STTNG. Good price.
This will be interesting. Are we allowed to go go auction among ourselves?surely yes we are. But on the other hand, a price was stated so it surely depends in what order they arrive at Matt's phone.

Where is the popcorn icon when you need it?
i did however contact matt imediatly about this and posted up to show my interest so as not to cause any issues.

popcorn will almost certainly not be required
Being honourable is priceless, sure there was a thread about this called, "pinball gazumping" we are all friends here
In the interested of an open discussion which is good for the group.

I talked to Matt about this on Saturday and my message was sent at 10:02 yesterday when I was asking for pictures and expressing an interest.

If you offered money then it is yours as your deal is backed up with cash.

Unless you want to go halfs on it? If you do you can have it first and clean it, I will get it later.
This is the problem with pinball, limited supply, high demand hence why prices are on the up in general
It doesn't matter who saw it first or whatever any way. It's Matt's machine and he can sell it to whoever he chooses to! There could be others who contacted him too.
My posts on here might not have been clear. I was asking for more pictures before I made a decision. I bought my TAF too quickly without properly doing research and I am not going to do that again. Therefore, if there is a queue I am probably not yet properly in it. I am in no rush and can wait. My original post was because I also hadn't heard from Matt and wondered if it has already gone. As mentioned, it is Matt's machine, he can sell it to whom he wants and that is his choice.
I don't get it! :confused:

There is nearly always more than one interested party when somebody posts a machine for sale. Like Dreads said, more demand than supply. You just register your interest with the seller and hope that you get it. Why get the hump about it in this case?
Makes a change for a "for sale" thread to generate more response than some "general discussion" topics.
Fintan Stack' date=' post: 1695360 said:
I don't get it! :confused:

There is nearly always more than one interested party when somebody posts a machine for sale. Like Dreads said, more demand than supply. You just register your interest with the seller and hope that you get it. Why get the hump about it in this case?

if you are referring to me then you are incorrect.

i didn't have the hump i simply cant be ****d with breaking into a sweat over a pin?

neither here nor there to me as i dont take it that seriously. to me pins are for fun and not for gain.

i simply posted to let others know i was waiting and as i was first to comment.

ps. matt rang me to let know it had gone whilst i was at dinner!

Gone already eh?

I was waiting on the sidelines but couldn't be bothered to join the bunfight:rolleyes:

Supply is tight at the moment it would seem.

Please be aware that as of 0800 hours Intell reports that Sgt GrizZ has contacted everyone on the planet by every means possible asking for first dibs on any machine they have/will have/might have in the future .

Operation Isawitfirst was concluded with zero casualties (except for some collateral damage to a TOM)

That is all
cooldan' date=' post: 1695350 said:
This will be interesting. Are we allowed to go go auction among ourselves?surely yes we are. But on the other hand, a price was stated so it surely depends in what order they arrive at Matt's phone.

Before the price explosion, people always posted a price and the first person to email got the machine, since the "new school" arrived, that doesn't happen so often
that was my honest intention with regards to my gentleman post.

it wasn't to cause trouble so can people please move on now as neither myself nor geof (calimori) seem to be bothered and have discussed his between ourseves with no issues.

i have also spoken to matt via email and phone siince last wek about this and eiher way it's been sold.

nohting to see...move along and all that...

Sorry to be slow replying to this thread. The machine has been sold, (to the first person that contacted me) If for any reason this falls through i will be in touch.
wayne g' date=' post: 1695362 said:
ps. matt rang me to let know it had gone whilst i was at dinner!


At least you had a reply.... I didn't receive one...
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