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Indiana ball jumping off Ramp help needed


Sep 6, 2016
I have a Williams Indiana Jones and every time I hit a Ball up the left Ramp hard it goes up the ramp round and as it comes down the ramp it shoots off thefirst turn and hits the underside of the Byplane and shoots on to the pintable. I have checked the Ramp and can see no problems with it. I have polished it in case the ball was not running correctly but no difference. Has any one got any advice? as I am stumped.
Thanks for the reply Tim. Yes it does I had to double check to be honest. The ball goes up around the top part of the ramp under the plastic and when it comes down the the ramp it comes off just as it hits some where around the curve and hits the underside of the by plane, only when the ball is hit hard and cleanly up the left ramp
hi stoptap thanks The ball goes up around the top part of the ramp under the plastic and when it comes down the the ramp it comes off just as it hits some where around the curve and hits the underside of the by plane, only when the ball is hit hard and cleanly up the left ramp I am not sure how the coils would effect this.
Has it got the correct coils fitted for the game ?
Hi stop tap. I have no idea to be honest how would this effect the ball coming back down the ramp?The ball goes up around the top part of the ramp under the plastic and when it comes down the the ramp it comes off just as it hits some where around the curve and hits the underside of the by plane, only when the ball is hit hard and cleanly up the left ramp
You say the "ball hits the underside of the plane "
Is this is what coursing the ball to slow ,and then drop of ?
Hi stop tap. I have no idea to be honest how would this effect the ball coming back down the ramp?The ball goes up around the top part of the ramp under the plastic and when it comes down the the ramp it comes off just as it hits some where around the curve and hits the underside of the by plane, only when the ball is hit hard and cleanly up the left ramp
If it has flipper coils in that are too powerful it will quite easily fly off the ramp.

Does it hit the plane every time it goes up the ramp ?
If it has flipper coils in that are too powerful it will quite easily fly off the ramp.

Does it hit the plane every time it goes up the ramp ?
IT hits the underside of the By plane 1 out of every 2 times as it leaves the ramp and shoots off. it has a fair bit of clearance if the ball is rolled manually under the plane.
You say the "ball hits the underside of the plane "
Is this is what coursing the ball to slow ,and then drop of ?
I don't think so it only hits the Plane if it comes off the ramp.IT hits the underside of the By plane 1 out of every 2 times as it leaves the ramp and shoots off. it has a fair bit of clearance if the ball is rolled manually under the plane.
Check what stoptap says re. correct flipper coils being installed. According to the manual both should be FL-11629 Blue wrapper. Lift the playfield and report back what's installed, it should be printed on the coil wrapper. If they're lower resistance = more power, which might be your problem.
Yep agreed.. and if all is well take some photos of the ramp at different angles si we can see, there may be something obviously wrong when compared to one that's behaving.

I've never heard of this being a problem and mine will quite often fly up that ramp at speed and never the hint of it "leaving the track"...
Yep agreed.. and if all is well take some photos of the ramp at different angles si we can see, there may be something obviously wrong when compared to one that's behaving.

I've never heard of this being a problem and mine will quite often fly up that ramp at speed and never the hint of it "leaving the track"...
thanks will do tonight after work many thanks for the advice
thanks will do tonight after work many thanks for the advice
okay so I really appreciate all the input from every one and I have done a bit more investigating tonight. photo's to follow. the coils are both looking correct but when I take a photo of the ramp close up I can see around the area where the ball flies off when hit up at speed just before the first curve down the left bottom wire of the ramp there seems to be a tiny bit of pitting and weirdly there seems to be a few tiny score marks on the left bottom thick wire almost like some one has scored it with a knife. They are really tiny but there all the same.and I am now wondering if the ball is hitting these at speed and loosing the grip on the ramp as it speeds round the first bend and flying off as the grip is gone. you can see them in the photo if you move in on it. If this is the case my next question is who can possible strip this ramp down and smooth all these tiny score marks and pitting out and then Anodize the ramp again? is there any one that knows this. I thought they were chromed but apparently they are anodized.20160908_191423 (2).jpg 20160908_191335 (2).jpg 20160908_191227 (1).jpg
or am I being over dum on this one? could those little marks and pits make no difference at all?
or am I being over dum on this one? could those little marks and pits make no difference at all?
No difference. Just regular, heavy wear on a 20+ year old game. In fact where the round wire is worn flat you will get a fraction more drag which will slow the ball down a tad more.
It could be that at some point the top rail of the ramp has been bent downwards on the second bend (directly above the bottom pop bumper in your middle photo). Have a look from a low angle and see if there is a drop in one of the top rails.

The ramps are plated, not anodised. Anodising is for aluminium, not steel.

The rails and legs on an Indiana Jones should actually be a golden colour.
Hi all I have checked the ramp and cannot see any issues as far as I can tell.I turned the sound off as it has been driving me potty. I have video'd the ball being hit up the ramp closely and although it took me a bit of time to tape the Samsung to the glass and then try and see round it to hit the shot after about 30 seconds I managed to get two shots one after the other up the left ramp, the first went smoothly, the second came off. it almost looks to me that the ball is being dropped on the ramp on the second shot more over to the left and doesn't seem to hold . It seems to come out of the left ramp at the top on to the wire ramp on the second shot more over to the left and higher up so it doesn't get time to go onto the two bottom thicker ramp wires. It is a shame as I cannot start refurbishing the machine until I have resolved this issue. any ideas would be appreciated. I cannot down load the video as it is to large.
Hi Baza

Does your ramp have this plastic on top?

View attachment 35202

( Photo credit to @Calimori )

Hi all I have checked the ramp and cannot see any issues as far as I can tell.I turned the sound off as it has been driving me potty. I have video'd the ball being hit up the ramp closely and although it took me a bit of time to tape the Samsung to the glass and then try and see round it to hit the shot after about 30 seconds I managed to get two shots one after the other up the left ramp, the first went smoothly, the second came off. it almost looks to me that the ball is being dropped on the ramp on the second shot more over to the left and doesn't seem to hold . It seems to come out of the left ramp at the top on to the wire ramp on the second shot more over to the left and higher up so it doesn't get time to go onto the two bottom thicker ramp wires. It is a shame as I cannot start refurbishing the machine until I have resolved this issue. any ideas would be appreciated. I cannot down load the video as it is to large.
From the look of your pics i notice a couple of things:

1: The spot weld at the top left inside of your left ramp appears to be broken? It could be the ball is being directed differently because of this.
2: The position of the wire form entry to the ramp itself looks a little crooked? (ie: not lined up correctly to the metal of the ramp itself?)

Need a video to see whats going on, but if there is flex where i suspect the spot weld is broken, that will cause issues with the ball path. That's my best guess from the photos.
if any one could check out the video for me I would appreciate it if I can send it to them any thing to try and sus out why this is happening
From the look of your pics i notice a couple of things:

1: The spot weld at the top left inside of your left ramp appears to be broken? It could be the ball is being directed differently because of this.
2: The position of the wire form entry to the ramp itself looks a little crooked? (ie: not lined up correctly to the metal of the ramp itself?)

Need a video to see whats going on, but if there is flex where i suspect the spot weld is broken, that will cause issues with the ball path. That's my best guess from the photos.
Hi Rus121 I have checked the ramp and there seems to be no movement or a weld that has come away at the top, I can send a video if you have the time to look fro me.
Sure. Do you have Dropbox? If you do, great, send me a link to the file.

If you dont, you can get it here: https://www.dropbox.com/

Its probably the easiest way to directly send a file of any size. Just stick the file in the dropbox folder, right click, copy dropbox link and send.
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rus121 sorry my work laptop will not let me download the dropbox istall have to leave it with me for a mo. cheers
Yep agreed.. and if all is well take some photos of the ramp at different angles si we can see, there may be something obviously wrong when compared to one that's behaving.

I've never heard of this being a problem and mine will quite often fly up that ramp at speed and never the hint of it "leaving the track"...
Hi Strobey a question if you don't mind. On your Indiana is the left ramp slightly lower overall than the right ramp? on the play field
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