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I'm cycling 300 miles in June for otters


Site Supporter
Aug 16, 2021
Sudbury, Suffolk
Hi all,

Wasn't quite sure where to post this - but in June, I'm going to cycle 300 miles to raise money for the International Otter Survival Fund.

According to Strava I haven't done any cycling since April 2022, and nothing regularly on my indoor bike (a Peloton) since December 2021, so this will be a huge challenge for me.

And, most importantly - @David_Vi has said that if I meet my goal of £300 by the end of Sunday, then he'll do it as well 😄 (apparently cycling 10 miles a day "is easy")

Here's my JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/page/lecari-30-days-2023

I know times are tough at the moment but any support you can give would be really appreciated. (Plus, my employer will up to £100 in donations!)

About the International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF)
IOSF was inspired by observing otters in their natural habitat. The otter lives, feeds and plays on land and in the water and is at the peak of the food chain so is an ambassador species to a first class environment. IOSF supports the world's 13 species of otter through compassion and science.
All proceeds will go into helping IOSF and their otter conservation projects around the world, including education, rehabilitation and research.
£5 feeds an otter for two days
£40 buys a new release cage
£400 will support the release of an otter back into the wild
£1,600 will pay for the rehabilitation and release of an otter cub (food, vet bills, etc) - the IOSF sanctuary in Scotland currently has 3 cubs.

www.otter.org / Registered charity number SC003875
Thanks so much for all the generous donations so far - I ended yesterday with £330, so over my target - sorry @David_Vi but looks like you're joining me 😁

Of course, further donations are super appreciated, it'd be amazing to raise even more money for otters, but there's still a couple of months to go... The hard part begins now!


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So today is 1st June which means our cycling challenge has begun! So far I've raised £623, plus my employer is giving an additional £500 - a total of £1,123! Definitely never expected to raise this much - and of course there's still time to donate if you'd like to! :)
Has David completed his first day yet?

I did 5 earlier. Doing another 5 later. Breaking it up for now 😆

The issue is going to be we've got pinball events in June, some meaning an entire day away and others two days. So i'm going to try do a few extra miles each day to bank for those days where I can't do 10.

My backside doesn't like it so far.
Gel insert cycling shorts, thank me later 👌
When I first started cycling my bum was a bit sore for the first week or so, but then felt fine - I did a few 5 mile rides last week and it was a bit painful, but today I did 12.5 miles and it didn't hurt. You get used to it!
But @David_Vi you're welcome to get some if you want ;)
Amazing news everyone - we have just hit £1,600 in donations!

So grateful to everyone who has donated - £1,600 will support the raising and release of an otter cub back into the wild (paying for fish and vet bills, etc) which is HUGE.

Thanks so much everyone who has donated so far - and of course all donations are still gratefully appreciated! We're now at 122 miles (me - I haven't done my ride yet today) and David has cycled 132 miles!


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