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illuminated buttons


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Sep 27, 2015
I know this sounds really naive but anyone have a clue what you are supposed to do with these quick cable connectors I got with an order of Illuminated buttons?

Yes. There are two channels. One is for the existing wire you want to connect to to feed through. The other has a block in it where you lay the wire you want to connect. Then you squeeze the lot with pliers to push the metal bit in which cuts through the insulation of both wire and forms a connection. Then close the flap.
So its only for one coloured wire? attaching a black to black etc? I got it with an illuminated flipper button set but no idea how to connect it all as there's only one wire but two connector blocks :p
Used to use a load of then wire connector's back in the day when fitting the car radios etc !!!

Memories !!!!!!!
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