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Iffy neighbours


10 Years
Oct 23, 2012
Cromer - ish
Had a complaint from my neighbour about the occasional noise from my conservatory (pinball machine).
Now ordinarily I wouldn't care too much but this cow leaves her dog to bark each and every evening and has done for 2 years and we've let it go (Never reported it to the local authority etc). Twice I have had the doors open when playing pins and Ive had a complaint straight away?!?!

Ive been banned from telling her my side about the dog and my opinion of her by the wife incase I throttle the witch.

We have told her about the dog in the past on many occasions in a polite way and even suggested actions and offering to pay for a lemon bark collar.
Her most recent reply was "well I'm not the one with the problem as he doesn't bark when I'm home". Grrrrrrrrrr!
Its that whole *** for tat thing Ive been trying to avoid.
She lives alone so I have to be a little careful. Much easier if it was a man to talk to.
I have a neighbour like that...after 14 years of problems the only answer was to avoid all communication with him.

I suggest doing the same, if she complains to the council, you have a better case with the dog's noise.
Difficult one certainly, but saying that it sounds like you have an equally valid complaint. Her argument of her dog that "doesn't bark when she's home" seems to imply she thinks you should only play your pins when she is out and how the hell are you supposed to predict that? It would never work. Maybe a compromise? Offer to turn the volume down if she does something about her dog? Although I'm not sure if the noise is actual game noises or if it's the constantly click-clack of the flippers etc that annoys her. Regardless of all this it really doesn't sound like she has much of a leg to stand on, if she complains I would put in a counter complaint and her argument of "the dog only barks when I'm out" probably wouldn't hold up, it still barks regardless and is an nuisance.

Also "I'm not the one with the problem", what?? Clearly she is the one with the problem as she has complained multiple times about the noise of your games, also her dog barking is a problem for you. It just sounds like she wants a one way street where you're never allowed to play your games and she can let her dog bark all day long because apparently that's "your problem". If it was me I would just make a counter complaint about the dog every time she complains about the noise of your pins ;)
Can someone program a ROM to change the sound so your pin just barks while it's being played? That really would send a message.
I fell out with my neighbours a few years ago over their dog barking and them not giving a **** about it, ended up fitting one of these which seems to have done the trick. Rarely hear it bark now.


As I have dogs and the neighbours dog is almost constantly at its song in the evenings, I think this would be like torture for mine. Mine were trained out of barking from a young age so I wouldn't want to punish them for another dogs actions.

Thanks for the link and Idea though. I have tried to steer her towards a lemon scent bark collar but she just isn't interested. A real piece of work!

I don't have an issue if I have upset someone and they want to tell me to keep it down. This was just two times and less that 10-15 mins each time while I was just doing a shake down for a guy collecting my Hook.
I cant believe the cheek of the Cow to complain so fast after Ive let so much go with her nuisance noises from the dog and parties/ people coming and going at all hrs etc etc
If it was hrs on end and late at night I would understand the complaint to be fair.

I have put my slab under the conservatory on foam to absorb the clatter from the coils etc and it doesn't even reverberate through my house let alone hers. It wasn't loud either.
I do wonder if others have complained about her dog as she has just assumed its us so she is nit picking etc?

feed this through a large pair of speakers, turned up loud, then go out for a couple of hours.

If she complains, say "Ahh.. it doesnt make a sound when i'm at home" and walk off.... :)
yeah but unfortunately that would make you the cu*nt

it's tricky if not impossible to try to 'win' your situation. i think i agree with mark that avoidance may be the only positive solution.
oh btw @kevlar that green ultrasound antibark thing for our dog and it didn't work unfortunately. i noticed 3 stars in the reviews and din't dig deeper but that suggests to me it's a thing that only works sometimes. still worth a try though, i agree, but ours either tuned it out or did something else to stop it making a difference.

maybe i should turn it up and check those batteries again....
I can handle being a c*nt if it meant people who have nothing better to do, and who are an out and out hypocrite fekked off and stopped whinging over nothing. As i said before, people like that do my tits in.

Saying that, people who play music in their gardens till 3am also **** me off, however they deserve to die in the most painful way possible....

when all done and dusted - it's not me in Mr Row's position thank goodness :)
I can handle being a c*nt if it meant people who have nothing better to do, and who are an out and out hypocrite fekked off and stopped whinging over nothing. As i said before, people like that do my tits in.

Saying that, people who play music in their gardens till 3am also **** me off, however they deserve to die in the most painful way possible....

when all done and dusted - it's not me in Mr Row's position thank goodness :)
'die in the most painful way possible'...... What ? You mean made to play Theatre of Magic until they expire. Oh you are a sick man Paul [emoji6]
That she does Carl. Actually I think it may be crushed glass? A real prize cow...

As much as some of these replies are very tempting in reality I am not looking to feed her ammunition. Hopefully one of the wives of the men she bangs midweek will catch up with her and bring her back to earth with a bump or two.
I had thought of taking down the reg's and helping that along but I fear for kids involved as one of the chaps is obviously a family man as he has car seats in the back of his motor.

I will try and ignore her and counter any enforcement action taken against me. They are more then welcome to try and monitor noise levels etc as then they will see who the real nuisance is.
The letter was a shock as I was threatened with abatement orders and asbo's?!?! Prob just a generic council type letter but a little ott me thinks.

Anyone else on here had problems with pin noise etc?
The letter was a shock as I was threatened with abatement orders and asbo's?!?! Prob just a generic council type letter but a little ott me thinks.

Hadn't picked up it had gone this far. I think if I was in your situation I might try the Citizens Advice Bureau. I haven't used them in donkey's years, but I have used them in the past, twice.

They know the score, both from a practical angle and from a legal angle, and they give good, impartial advice for absolutely no charge whatsoever.

Just one problem: in the old days the only way to get to talk to them was to queue, queue, queue. But that was before we all went digital, so maybe that's changed.

I feel your pain on this one - nightmare situation.
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Indeed - didnt realise it was that "formal" - just thought it was a passing nagging comment in the garden one Sunday morning....

Agree with JWG - best go seek some "official" advice from the experts :)
yeah but unfortunately that would make you the cu*nt

it's tricky if not impossible to try to 'win' your situation. i think i agree with mark that avoidance may be the only positive solution.
oh btw @kevlar that green ultrasound antibark thing for our dog and it didn't work unfortunately. i noticed 3 stars in the reviews and din't dig deeper but that suggests to me it's a thing that only works sometimes. still worth a try though, i agree, but ours either tuned it out or did something else to stop it making a difference.

maybe i should turn it up and check those batteries again....

Have you tried the lemon anti bark collars?
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