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Idiots guide to web cam stuff needed .... :)

Sgt GrizZ

Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Right - probably should have thought about this sooner.

Was thinking of a streaming my 24 hr pin event via webcam. I don't have a webcam except the built in one on the laptop.

So question is.....is there a p*ss easy way to set my laptop up in the corner of the Shack and stream for people to view. Just chatting here to Will about it and he is equally clueless.

Bear in mind I am pretty crappy with techy stuff ......... I really need a nice simple way to do this. If it involves lots of faffing about, downloading loads of stuff etc ...I prob cant be bothered :rolleyes:

Any advice appreciated guys

If you really don't want to get dragged into the technicalities of it then maybe you'd be better going with a company that can provide the service for you?

Two options would be LiveStream (http://new.livestream.com/) and UStream (https://www.ustream.tv/platform/plans/2).

The former of these offer a free basic service which is funded through adverts. The latter has a free 30 day trial of their pro solution so you could always sign up, use the free trial and then cancel after your event.

Edit: Keep in mind that if you hosted the broadcast yourself then you have to start thinking about web-servers and security aspects relating to those. Plus you also need to consider your upstream broadband rate (which is usually pretty low compared to downstream).
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