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I Am Street Fighter


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
If, like me, you think that Street Fighter 2 is the greatest video game series ever made or you have a spare hour and want something interesting to watch then check out this documentary on Youtube celebrating Street Fighters 25th Anniversary:

Great vid Chris. I'm with you on the whole SF2 thing. I used to go in to a real shady kebab shop in the wrong end of town to play it when I was about 14. I do suck at it though. I bought SF4 for my PS3 and would get habitually whooped on line.
I'm on the look out for a cab for the den as it goes.
I'm on the look out for a cab for the den as it goes.

You after an original dedicated cab or a candy with one of the later games in? I've got every version of SF2, 3 and Alpha/Zero ever made in my MAME cab :D
I'm learning the arcade terminology!! I'm not a purist so it would make sense to if I only have space for one cab to be able to play as many games as possible.
Sounds like you two need to get together and thrash out a game to see who's champ.
Are you both going to Northern Lights @Play expo ? You could do the chalange there.
Are you both going to Northern Lights @Play expo ? You could do the chalange there.

I'm definitely gonna be there, hopefully someone will have brought a SF2 cab :)
I think I'll give Chris the win already! I'm working nights that weekend so can't make it either
I think I'll give Chris the win already! I'm working nights that weekend so can't make it either

Get it booked as a holiday or just throw a sickie, You know it makes sence.
Its been a while since I have seen you at a show Gaz.
Get your **** up to Manchester, you know you want to.
You after an original dedicated cab or a candy with one of the later games in? I've got every version of SF2, 3 and Alpha/Zero ever made in my MAME cab :D

There was never a dedicated sf2 cab, just conversion kits. I made my own recently!


Also made myself Sf3 and Sf4 machines in the past too



And cos I love fighters, a Fist Of The North Star cab too :D

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