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Hydraulic lift trolley


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Nov 5, 2015
(150kg) its Been asked a million times on here but at the moment cheapest i can find one is £289 delivered.. any better deals about?

they’re all around £300 now for 150kg

a used one on ebay in Wembley £219 no bids yet.

Cheers Alan yeah some sites are 300 before VAT then the deliverys £50 so the £289 delivered doesnt seem too bad .. Dont know why i never picked one up when they was half the price.. Even though ive always had a bad back i still kill myself lifting i think its time to just get one 😆

The one i have been looking at is this:

It was just after the new regulations went in (post brexit) that the price jumped from £150 to £300 I literally ordered mine and a week later after the border changes kicked in the price went up. A lot of companies in Europe just stopped shipping to us.

Yay brexit!
Well worth the money if it prevents a serious injury, I wouldn't have stood a chance getting Lebowski on its legs without one. The ironic thing is though if you do have to lift it you may cause yourself an injury as it is a very heavy, awkward lump.
Well worth the money if it prevents a serious injury, I wouldn't have stood a chance getting Lebowski on its legs without one. The ironic thing is though if you do have to lift it you may cause yourself an injury as it is a very heavy, awkward lump.
I used to put mine in the passenger footwell leaning over the seat in my van, funnily enough when I went up to North Wales to drop off a pin for @FinalFight (meet) and onto a place nearby to pick one up which is where I hurt myself getting it in and out of my van as it was awkward. Never again, it stays in the garage now.

Think I paid £150 ish but still worth it at double that, annoying though.

@FinalFight just get your dad to move them, he is strong. When he pushed that pin in the back of his car I was on the other side trying to guide it and nearly ripped my hand off😂
I used to put mine in the passenger footwell leaning over the seat in my van, funnily enough when I went up to North Wales to drop off a pin for @FinalFight (meet) and onto a place nearby to pick one up which is where I hurt myself getting it in and out of my van as it was awkward. Never again, it stays in the garage now.

Think I paid £150 ish but still worth it at double that, annoying though.

@FinalFight just get your dad to move them, he is strong. When he pushed that pin in the back of his car I was on the other side trying to guide it and nearly ripped my hand off😂

So annoying about the shoulder you cant win 😔
I need something really just in the gamesroom to help lift for me to do the back legs its lifting from the floor that kills me off completely.
My dads mad he has back problems himself has a pacemaker and he still does stupid stuff like lifting using power tools and getting of roofs we have to keep telling him your 80 you need to stop .. wont listen though
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So annoying about the shoulder you cant win 😔
I need something really just in the gamesroom to help lift for me to do the back legs its lifting from the floor that kills me off completely.
My dads mad he has back problems himself has a pacemaker and he still does stupid stuff like lifting using power tools and getting of roofs we have to keep telling him your 80 you need to stop .. wont listed though
You can’t keep a good man down, my next door neighbour who is 80 odd was on his high pitched roof last summer with a homemade roof ladder. Scraping moss off, I couldn't believe it as he is a big man. I was filming him just in case😂
Get one there amazing and a must have.
Think of all the chiropractor bills or 8 dominos pizza orders 😏 or the time off work with a #### back
I am early 50s now and led a sedentary desk based life as did many of my friends. We seem to be an awfully unhealthy lot, basically falling apart. I have been down the bad shoulder, mri scans, physio route. It costs a fortune and wastes so much time.

I think a good quality sack barrow and hydraulic truck are well worth the money if you are mad enough to move pinball machines. If necessary play the long game and wait for one to turn up on ebay/ gumtree.
This might be a daft question but I have a sack truck and lift trolley . My method for packing them down is to find the balance point from the side with the lift trolley , so it will sit on it with the legs off and then lower it and tilt onto end.
I haven't been brave enough to try and do that in reverse as seem to need to guess where to place the loft trolley . So for unpacking I put front legs on , tilt down front so front legs on the floor . But then I do need to lift the back end up a few inches while someone slides the lift trolly under . As I've knackered a shoulder I'd love a way of doing it without any lifting . Anyone ?
This might be a daft question but I have a sack truck and lift trolley . My method for packing them down is to find the balance point from the side with the lift trolley , so it will sit on it with the legs off and then lower it and tilt onto end.
I haven't been brave enough to try and do that in reverse as seem to need to guess where to place the loft trolley . So for unpacking I put front legs on , tilt down front so front legs on the floor . But then I do need to lift the back end up a few inches while someone slides the lift trolly under . As I've knackered a shoulder I'd love a way of doing it without any lifting . Anyone ?
It's possible to just drop the machine onto the trolley, then use the lift trolley to lift the whole machine so the legs can then be added

You do need to get the balance right, but I found pushing the lift trolley up against the machine and then dropping it down (carefully) gets it in the right position.

Best to do it with two people one holding the trolley so it doesn't slide.
No lifting required, I'm not strong at all and did two machines the other day
It's possible to just drop the machine onto the trolley, then use the lift trolley to lift the whole machine so the legs can then be added

You do need to get the balance right, but I found pushing the lift trolley up against the machine and then dropping it down (carefully) gets it in the right position.

Best to do it with two people one holding the trolley so it doesn't slide.
No lifting required, I'm not strong at all and did two machines the other day
Thanks . I'd been pondering that but a bit scared of doing it . Wouldn't have guessed balance point was putting trolley right up against it either !
@Mfresh sold me a monster of a trolley a few years ago, weighs a lot.
I put the front legs on the machine and lower it down onto the legs, then push the trolley in through the front legs, then pump up the trolly and it lifts it off the ground for the back legs to be added.
Is this how it would work to lift to get legs on?
Put front legs on pin drop them down to the floor then go under the side with the trolley and pump it up to do back legs?
@Mfresh sold me a monster of a trolley a few years ago, weighs a lot.
I put the front legs on the machine and lower it down onto the legs, then push the trolley in through the front legs, then pump up the trolly and it lifts it off the ground for the back legs to be added.

Posted same time 😆 that makes sense i was thinking if i put through the front the back might fall off.. i guess you put your weight on the front of the pin as it lifts?
Is this how it would work to lift to get legs on?
Put front legs on pin drop them down to the floor then go under the side with the trolley and pump it up to do back legs?
The issue with that is the slant you have means only one trolley edge is in contact with the pin when you start lifting . Certainly would need to be careful to avoid trolley tilting up and it also only fits under very near the front I think because of the slope
Even this idea would be great.. the wooden part would be easy to make just finding a jack big enough?

So for unpacking I put front legs on , tilt down front so front legs on the floor . But then I do need to lift the back end up a few inches while someone slides the lift trolly under
Same here, lifting the back of Lebowski and sliding the trolley in from the back on my own wasn't the easiest. My wrist still isn't quite right.
Is this how it would work to lift to get legs on?
Put front legs on pin drop them down to the floor then go under the side with the trolley and pump it up to do back legs?
No don't bother putting the legs on it's not required. Drop it legless onto the trolley lift the trolley high enough for the back legs. Put all legs on, lower trolley, job done. Did heavy guns and roses on my own zero issues. In fact I could put it on the lifting trolley on my own, but couldn't put it on the sack trolley without assistance.
No don't bother putting the legs on it's not required. Drop it legless onto the trolley lift the trolley high enough for the back legs. Put all legs on, lower trolley, job done. Did heavy guns and roses on my own zero issues. In fact I could put it on the lifting trolley on my own, but couldn't put it on the sack trolley without assistance.
This is what I've been pondering doing but kinda wanted to watch someone do it . But now thinking about what you are saying about having trolley up against the machine I realise I assume you have the platform raised ? I was thinking of doing it with the trolley lowered but that's probably a bit dumb! Do you have it raised ?
This is what I've been pondering doing but kinda wanted to watch someone do it . But now thinking about what you are saying about having trolley up against the machine I realise I assume you have the platform raised ? I was thinking of doing it with the trolley lowered but that's probably a bit dumb! Do you have it raised ?
No , platform at its lowest setting, but it's raised by design due to the base and wheels, no dumb question with this. Just be careful on the handle make sure there enough clearance for the backbox. Backbox head down and strapped doing this process
No don't bother putting the legs on it's not required. Drop it legless onto the trolley lift the trolley high enough for the back legs. Put all legs on, lower trolley, job done. Did heavy guns and roses on my own zero issues. In fact I could put it on the lifting trolley on my own, but couldn't put it on the sack trolley without assistance.

Sorry still trying to picture it 😆
How do you get the pin on the trolley without holding the pin and lowering it to floor level?
Is this how it would work to lift to get legs on?
Put front legs on pin drop them down to the floor then go under the side with the trolley and pump it up to do back legs?
yes - I do this a lot, it saves any lifting at all - one the rear is high enough I put rear legs on, drop the trolley, remove from side, and then lift the pin again using the trolley from the rear to move it will all 4 legs on.
Sorry still trying to picture it 😆
How do you get the pin on the trolley without holding the pin and lowering it to floor level?
No idea just worked, did it with four this week and a friend does it on his own all the time. The weight is on the pivot on the base of the pin , you do have to take some of the weight when you drop it down, but because gravity is doing most of the work it was fine. It's not like lifting it. I'm a weakling and I didn't feel unsafe. I would say only do this on your own with a stern, I tried with twighlight zone, no chance, guns I thought would be a challenge and I might have to give up but it was fine. On your first attempt I would have someone holding the trolley
Sorry still trying to picture it 😆
How do you get the pin on the trolley without holding the pin and lowering it to floor level?
Should have been clearer you don't push the pin down run and let it drop, you do have to take some weight, but it won't muck up your back
I start with the pin tombstoned, the edge of the truck about a foot away, then gently lower the pin onto the trolley. When the pin touches the trolley, it does tend to push the trolley back a bit, but at this point I lower the front quite quickly, so that most of the force is acting down rather than horizontally & it kind of automatically sits on the trolley with the front of the machine neatly at the end of the trolley (It occasionally pushes against the handle, but that extra push is very gentle, and I realise that the quicker bit was too quick).

Also, if you haven't got the trolley under the balance point, it won't fall off, as it will stay with the back edge still on the floor - at that point decide whether adding extra weight at the front is reliable enough to get the legs on.
The problem with my back i have degenerative disc and its getting that bad now if i hold weight and bend it kills me for days.. When im standing upright im fine with the weight.. Its that bad lately just lifting a mop bucket from the floor hurts(feels like im doing deadlifts with weights) so im trying to think of someway of not doing that.
Like when the front legs go on i can stand pretty much straight as it drops down on them if that makes sense.
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