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How important is a topper to you?


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
Just been looking at ebay and there is a GnR on it. Now the seller is making a big deal that it's got the topper. Does it really matter that much to buyers?

Whitewater, Fish Tales, TAF all need their toppers in my opinion. Others I struggle to have an opinion on. Quite like Jurassic Park one. Not a huge fan of the WOZ style ones.

Anyway thought the GnR one looked pretty naff. Can't really see me factoring it in if I wanted the table.

Am I in the minority here?
Depends on the game for me, I had a JD without a topper and it never bothered me, however ones that are integrated into the game in some way (e.g F14 or HS2) wouldn't be right without one, they add to the overall atmosphere of the game.
Just like you say John, Whitewater, TAF and Fish Tales are the only ones that the topper works on.
Everything else less is more.
Agree with all of the above. Couldn't see FT without the topper but its never bothered me not having one on my JD. I guess it'd be nice if one turned up on the cheap, but not worth going out of my way for.

The only non-animate topper I've thought realy enhanced the machine is that one someone did as a mod for AC/DC. Saw one at the Slam and thought it really worked with the machine.
I only installed the HSII topper the day before I sold it. Didnt even get time to sort it properly, cost me two fortunes as well (bought in two bits)

two of my machines at the moment have toppers, taf and rocky & bullwinkle but they arrived on the pins, if they hadnt I wouldnt have put them on. Ok TAF adds a bit as its the top of the mansion and flashes etc but people are charging a few hundred quid for them...
I know we don't play the cab of a machine but in a home environment these things do add to the overall appeal. TAF is just a little bit better with the topper glowing from the lighting strikes during the start of multi-ball. SHOWTIME
A topper on a pinball machine is like a hat being worn by a beautiful woman. Who gives a **** if she is wearing a hat or not?
If she's a munter then the hat can provide a nice distraction though. If she's got nice boobs then you're less likely to notice the hat.

So really it surely depends on the table?

Erm, I think that's where I was heading with that. I've got not topper on my Rocky & Bullwinkle but i'm not rushing to fit one as it doesn't bring anything to the game. In that case it's just a 'nice to have'.
The toppers on WhiteWater, Addams Family, Taxi and Hurricane are essential in that each bears the name of the game, rather the translite. As a result, without the topper these games look a bit odd. Though not as much as Judge Dredd, with two cut-outs for the claws of the eagle topper.

Another game which might really need the topper is Heavy Metal Meltdown, unless the 'P.A' topper is just for show, without any actual speakers inside.

And Police Force is nearly in both camps; the name is much more prominent on the topper, which contains a speaker.

Incidentally, domestic production of Millionaire didn't have the 'mars lamp' topper, one of the few instances I know of export-spec having something extra over domestic. It's more often the reverse, e.g. Black Hole.
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Whirlwind! Ace game with working topper, especially on a hot day :)
Can't to this day believe that the previous owner of the one I had had literally CUT the fins down on the fan - never found a suitable replacement...probably the only machine I regret selling :(

Now that, I agree is a tragedy. A topper that actually has a function is a valid thing. In my analogy, the sexy girl in a hat now turns out to have booze and drugs stored in her hat.

Otherwise I concentrate on the playfield - bumpers, gobble hole etc
I'd love a topper for my tftc but the Orginal one is **** looking.
Also a repo of said **** is 150 euro.
Lucky Halloween is coming so I should be able to find something suitable!
Would be interesting to see if a custom topper could be made for @ronsplooter banzai run... make it as tall as it is long!

Unfortunately my TAF ha to live without its topper as my garage mezzanine floor is too low... sucks

Just been looking at ebay and there is a GnR on it. Now the seller is making a big deal that it's got the topper. Does it really matter that much to buyers?

Whitewater, Fish Tales, TAF all need their toppers in my opinion. Others I struggle to have an opinion on. Quite like Jurassic Park one. Not a huge fan of the WOZ style ones.

Anyway thought the GnR one looked pretty naff. Can't really see me factoring it in if I wanted the table.

Am I in the minority here?

Nowadays aint too ****d re toppers.In fact,in times gone by,would like one for my G n r but realised it would not fit!
Reason seller mentions it is cos they have gone for foo king stoopid money for the past 5 years or so-toppers that is.Mind you so have machines-got mine for £650 back on 16th Sept 2006 - am I the only sad git who tracks all his pin deals:sad:
Just been looking at ebay and there is a GnR on it. Now the seller is making a big deal that it's got the topper. Does it really matter that much to buyers?

Whitewater, Fish Tales, TAF all need their toppers in my opinion. Others I struggle to have an opinion on. Quite like Jurassic Park one. Not a huge fan of the WOZ style ones.

Anyway thought the GnR one looked pretty naff. Can't really see me factoring it in if I wanted the table.

Am I in the minority here?

tho I have chosen to add a few :sad:Namely to MOP,G n R,RBION,LOTR,and of course my Ramones

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