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How Do You Play ?


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I was just wondering about how other plays approach gameplay.
When I used to compete in the League I used to play my own games to purely score points. Multiball stacks, certain modes etc.
But now I try and play to see everything the game has. There are certain things I still do to maximise points but nowhere near like I used to.

I think as a result I am not as good a player score wise as I used to be but certainly have more fun playing.

I'm no where good enough to worry about scoring points all the time. When I go to league matches people talk about strategies and ensuring they go for "X" shot etc. **** it. I just knock a ball about and have fun. When I borrowed Dan's POTC I worked out you could just rack up points by backhanding the ball safely into the chest. Played one game like that and got the top score on the machine. It was boring as hell. Mindless repetition. I like knowing how to start a mode and where the jackpots are but that's about it.
I don't own any pins and with bars changing theirs or even removing altogether I never really learn the game that well, let alone strategies. I like to go beyond just smashing the ball, but it probably doesn't look like I have a clue as to what I'm doing.

If the game has an obvious multiball or the rules card is intelligible I'll usually aim to get that first, or if there's an obvious toy to hit I'll do that. Examples the toy box in Aerosmith, castle in MM or UFO in MA etc. I guess partly because I'm crap and the ball doesn't last long so a longer strategy is a no go.
As and when I get out to play it's when I've got mates round and I end up chatting instead of playing and lucky to score a million points after 3 balls!!
I basically fail to resist the temptation to make the ball go as fast as I can make the thing go. If I'm looking for a specific shot, I'll only make an attempt on said shot when I get a favourable feed or rebound, otherwise the need to increase speed and take opportunistic shots prevails. For some reason, my ball times aren't all that long and I can't imagine why.

Every now and again I'll say out loud, 'right, **** this, time to play properly' and then start catching and aiming shots, at which point I'll either make my shot, get excited and start playing like an excited kid again, or I'll discover my lack of accuracy practice means I cannot actually 'play properly' and I'll go back to doing my chimp play again, because I remember the time I got 500 million on Lost In The Zone in TZ and I think it proves something.
When I get a new game I'll spend several weeks playing and learning the rules that way. Then maybe I'll watch a tutorial to pick up a few tips. Spend a few games trying to put them into practice and increase scores. Quickly go back to playing for flow/feel/fun
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