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Homepin NEW licenced theme & new staff


Mar 5, 2013
Innisfail Nth Qld AU
Homepin is pleased to announce that we have contracted Joe Balcer and Jeff Busch to our team for the design of our new licenced mechanical pinball machine (not table, we build arcade machines NOT home furniture).

Joe was responsible for Sega titles such as Apollo 13 and, more recently, Hot Wheels, Houdini and Oktoberfest. Jeff has pretty well followed Joe and was also responsible for most of the artwork on the same machines. They work well together as a pair which is why we have them both.

The theme is still under wraps at the moment but I'm pretty sure it will be well received when announced especially now that we have a world recognised team on the job.
Excellent news, any idea on timescale when we will have the theme ?
Hahaha - see post #7 - NO blood etc etc - FUN, that's what the world needs at the moment, not blood and guts! (IMO)
Well there goes my hopes of a The Boyz pin, now that’s a FUN show.
I love pinball - the day the biggest game is announced someone else thinks that’s a good day to announce their news :D quality!

looking forward to seeing what Joe can do - he is a very funny guy!
I love pinball - the day the biggest game is announced someone else thinks that’s a good day to announce their news :D quality!

looking forward to seeing what Joe can do - he is a very funny guy!
I'm unsure if that is a dig at me?? If it is, my response is below - if it isn't then perhaps you should use a few more words to ensure your comments are not seen as ambiguous.

In any case we run our own race here at Homepin and are pretty much oblivious to what other companies are up to AND that is very deliberate.

I have no intention of being influenced by what others are doing - good and bad - as, like I said, we run our own race and do things our own way. Some will see this as bad, others will say good - either way it's just how we operate.

If the 'timing' of my announcement clashed in some way with some other announcement, that is purely coincidental, it was not intentional nor of any consequence whatsoever.

When we announce the title of our new machine, that will also be done without any reference to any other companies business. What they do simply is of no concern to us.
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