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Expired Hobbit Pre-Order

Expired Due to no activity

This is Dave's Thread about Hobbit Pre-order - it isnt a discussion about the merits.. (or not).... of GB/TBL/etc

Unfortunatly this game is a failure overseas for now.
Few people has already played it in Europe, and it seems to be risky to spend so much money in this condition imo.
However, GLWS
Well I can honestly say I'm looking forward to getting mine ! Played it at 8bitflip and loved it
How can anyone have a true idea of its game play when it's hardly been played in the uk and Europe
I can imagine most of the negative comments are from people that have never even played it
There are several feedbacks in the US yet.
Some retailer in Europe has already received it and brought it to some exhibitions.
so i suppose some people have played it before rating it and all comments are not only unfair..
I've spent a full evening on this machine with a few other forum members. It looks great and played great. There's a lot to take in and do so anybody making a snap decision might not of given it enough time to understand what to do. That said if they were looking for a fast paced game that was easy finish this might not be the one for them.
weird how people are getting to play this machine if Dave has waited four years ?

Let's hear about that Phil and Jersey jack ( you took his money for four years and then slag him off for wanting it asap, whilst machines are being played up North by anyone )

Try moving to Birmingham or Preston Dave and you might get a game on one
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Reactions: JT.
Unfortunatly this game is a failure overseas for now.
Few people has already played it in Europe, and it seems to be risky to spend so much money in this condition imo.
However, GLWS

I don't think it's very kind to post in someone's sales thread negative comments about the game they are trying to sell.
Having played it and read tons of reviews, I think it comes down to what kind of games people like.

Love TSPP and LOTR? Pretty good chance you'll love Hobbit.
weird how people are getting to play this machine if Dave has waited four years ?

Let's hear about that Phil and Jersey jack ( you took his money for four years and then slag him off for wanting it asap, whilst machines are being played up North by anyone )

Try moving to Birmingham or Preston Dave and you might get a game on one

Not that weird, same happened with Woz. Prototypes went out first to distro's to work out any issues. It's on location if he wants a go tbf
I know Phil had one bought in and is out there somewhere, but as Mission says I think it's up north.

It's is a tough decision to make. Have 3 coming , 2 that the wife knows about. I think I might come clean and see what her reaction is. Most of the purchases are down to stress and spending Money makes it better. But yeah I don't need 11 of them.... Just 10 ;)
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