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Help with Coin Mech conversion


Aug 27, 2018
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum, so please forgive me if this has been asked before.
I have an Addams Family (First production run, ROM updated to Gold Edition). Due to its age the coin mech settings include every original European currency but is pre-Euro.
I now have this machine at our property in Ireland. Is it possible to programme this to accept 1 and 2 Euro coins. If so is this something that I can do myself.
Thanks for reading.
Not shore really but I think the plug in coin MEC on the coin door needs updating ..speak to Phil at pinball heaven tomorrow !
Or a pm on here ,if he is around today @philpalmer ;)

Ps welcome to the forum :thumbs:
My taf has a c220 coin mech in it. These can usually be sent off for reprogramming for Euro etc though sometimes it’s cheaper to just buy a new or used mech that has been set up for euros.

I probably have a mech set to euros, I will have a hoke later and see..
Hello, Brownfools,

The Pricing schemes ready-programmed don't have any control over what coins are (or aren't) accepted, simply how the machine reacts to the coin input switches. F'r instance, in the late 80's the standard u.k. scheme in Williams games was 20 pence 1 play, but the French pre-set would do (in some cases) for 30p 1 play, with the u.k (10 P/50 P/£ 1) coin acceptors instead of the 1 F/5 F/10 F ones the French pre-set would be expecting

It's most likely that your Addams has an electronic C220 or 'Sentinel' acceptor, if it's a machine originally built for 'England', i.e. the u.k. This should list what coins it's programmed for on the label. Altering its stored parameters isn't a diy task. Some territories were still supplied with old-fashioned 'S 10' mechanical coin acceptors, though, particularly Germany. These can easily be changed for different ones, though suitable plastic entry slots may be trickier to find
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Hi all,
Yes, it's a C220B.
Handwritten in the first four (of eight) coin listings are GB 1.00, GB 0.50, GB 0.20 and GB 0.10 (N)
Yes, any youngsters looking at this, there was previously a larger 10 pence piece.
The Misses, who bought the TAF some years ago as a birthday present now wants to keep some UK coinage and leave it as is.
Which now begs the question, could the coin mech be set up to accept both the current coins AND Euro?


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The trouble with that would be that the machine only has four coin inputs, so the eight channels of the acceptor have to be paired, 1 with 5, 2 with 6, and so on. The coin door interface board in the cabinet can select 4 or 8 coin operation, but the pairs aren't alterable. A solution may be to have some of the UK coins and some of the Euro coins in the first four channels, such as 50 pence and £ 1, 1 and 2 Euro, with a Custom pricing scheme to suit. Games of this age tended to take very few of the low denomination UK coins when set to 50 Pence 1 play, I even saw a Getaway sited by a large company with instructions on the pricing card not to put in 10 or 20 pence coins
That's doable.
We only ever put £1 and 50p coins in anyway. So £1 and €1 could be paired and the same with 50p and 50c.
If the value of the pound falls much further they will be equivalent anyway! :)
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