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Have prices topped out? has everyone calmed down?

Judge Dreads

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Y Felinheli
Know there is a dedicated section for pin prices but thought I would just touch on prices and mood in general, I get the feeling that pin prices have stabilized or topped out, everyone has calmed down and machines are harder to shift in general with many high end machines not making the ask, maybe most of the collectors have completed their collections (I sorta' fall into that group), some speculators have exited and maybe the MM remake put the brakes on/shook up the whole market?

Definitely a bit of a bear market. Which is great for pinball in general, maybe not so for those who are in it for the money.
Paying for summer holidays around this time of year doesn't help - not much disposable income to be found. However for top end machines there is always the question of which one may be 'remade' next after MM.

It also seems like the people are trying to squeeze extra money out of lower end tables. Tables which you expect to be under 1k are now having their asking price a couple or few hundred quid over 1k.
Possibly topped out... probably caused by the sheer volume of new (or promised) desirable but very expensive tables wetting peoples appetites...
Think the frenzy days are behind us for the time being at least or maybe I'm just speaking for myself, the MMr had a big effect of the market IMO which has filtered through the whole value landscape.
New machines keep coming out, seemingly more and more expensive...

Pinball Heaven's asking £10k for a restored Circus Voltaire! That's supposedly up for a WPC 2.0 update, or perhaps eligible for an MMr remake?

Agree some machines are hanging about longer than 6months ago, especially the poorer condition machines. My problem is I like the good condition machines, so I've been paying the price recently. That's what you get for being late to the party...
Thats a VERY high price for a restored CV! I'd expect a CV remake to not come before at least a possible AFM or CC remake - so not within the next year or so.
Prices will most certainly tumble if ebay sales go out the window thanks to the new pricing rules.
Sorry Peter, pet hate of mine. It's wHetting. As in whetting, or sharpening, wheel.

Was hoping that yesterday's JD would go for less than a grand but it sailed over that in the last few seconds. Think there's still a lot of people chasing the cheaper tables. The new Ebay pricing rules might see a real reduction in supply, so further jumps in price. I think the top end is getting more hit than the bottom at the moment.

Overall I think we're in a stable position rather than a fall. There's still plenty of people looking for their first machines.
I do believe they have topped out, however i also believe that they wont come down markedly any time soon.

Daventry coming up - The likes of SCS, Replay and EXPO will ensure that pin prices stay at a reasonably "high" level... The popularity is still there..

However - I do believe that because of the time of year, and because of the current economic climate and the number of people investing in pins (As opposed to leaving the cash there - the continuing threat of interest rate rises) are a contributing factor. That alongside the summer months, other pressures linked in with this (more work outside rather than pin playing to appease other halves etc) and generally less disposable income leaves us where we are now...

I dont think Ebay will make a difference - As dan says - either prices will go up 10%+, or people will start to advertise places like here or UKPinball.....
Was hoping that yesterday's JD would go for less than a grand but it sailed over that in the last few seconds.

Yeah, someone had on a large maximum bid. Depends what matters to the buyer I guess - that cab looked unfaded which seems rare for JD, had the Dead World mod and a seemingly a decent pf (a few light cracks around inserts, standard for 90s pins though right?). Only rubbish or tatty tables seem to go for under a grand right now.
Yeah, someone had on a large maximum bid. Depends what matters to the buyer I guess - that cab looked unfaded which seems rare for JD, had the Dead World mod and a seemingly a decent pf (a few light cracks around inserts, standard for 90s pins though right?). Only rubbish or tatty tables seem to go for under a grand right now.

Hi there. That was me. I was hoping that I would get it for nearer 1k. Paid £1130 in the end. It's my first Pinball, perhaps I paid a bit too much. To my very inexperienced eye it looks in fairly good condition. Playfield seems pretty good. A few cabinet dings here and there. Have been playing it lots and I am generally very pleased with it. I like the 2000AD theme, I remember the comics from when I was a kid. I am getting a couple of switch errors on start up test, they don't seem to affect gameplay, but these are certainly something that I will be investigating. You may see me post on the technical help forum soon!
Congrats on the JD. Don't worry you didn't get totally stuffed on the price, I was hoping it might go for less than a grand but only because it was summer.
With the switch errors, stick it into switch mode and see if the switches active if you roll a ball over them, if not then gently bend the switch up a bit and try again.
Do you have the manual for JD Deputydog? If not download it from ipdb. It will show you where all the switch locations are by name and number.
JD is a great new first table to have! I know as that's what I bought first as well... :cool:
Yes came supplied with original manual! Although I am pretty sure the topper is not original. I initially thought the machine had some serious critical error when I played my first few balls and they got jammed up the top of the playfield. But pretty quickly realised the previous owner had added his own JD action figure attached to the wire rails. After removing offending item all seems to play well now!
Hi there. I am getting a couple of switch errors on start up test, they don't seem to affect gameplay, but these are certainly something that I will be investigating. You may see me post on the technical help forum soon!

Judge Dredd is a game that especially benefits from having the latest edition of software, which was L-7 the last I knew. One of the earlier versions had a switch fault which would never clear, since the switch concerned wasn't even fitted. This game also has common false-errors for the outhole trough, due to not achieving the 6 ball multiball available during 'Super Game'.
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Thanks for the info. I don't know what software edition I have? I have solved two of my three switch errors. But still have one error for 'deadworld globe position one (switch 61)'. I think this is a opto below the playfield and hidden under other stuff? Have not had a chance to take a look at that one yet. The machine has deadworld mod installed. From what I can make out all seems to work fine now except for lack of ball drain from deadworld at end\start of new game.
An unmodified machine would display the software i.d. as it powered up, and after entering the test/bookeeping routines.
I know very little about the deadworld mod, having never seen a machine with it fitted. There must be some software associated with it, though. It would need to keep track of balls entering and leaving the rotating disc. That switch error's quite likely to be the cause of your problem; I don't recall any positioning ability for the globe on the standard machine.

Try the 'Single Switch' test, which looks at one switch only, ignoring everything else. Enter 'Tests', select 'Single Switch', then select #61. If the description says 'Open' or '(A) Closed', it's a mechanical switch, while if it's '(A) Open' or 'Closed' it's an opto-coupler switch.
If I recall correctly the Deadworld mod only works with an older version of the game code (Possibly L-1 if memory serves) as the Deadworld lock functionality was taken out at the later stages of game development.
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