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Happy ending to Fedex contacts thread!


Site Supporter
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Just wondered if anyone has a contact at Fedex or any experience dealing with them?

I have a playfield in transit and Fedex seem to have lost it - and don't seem to be capable of doing anything about searching for it. Any advice gratefully received as I am completely stuffed if I don't get the playfield and I am at my wits end dealing with them :mad:
It's the Cow Poke playfield that I set to Pinball Dreams for restoration. But its irreplacable, so I have to get it back somehow...
Bummer - I hope it turns up.

I had a video game that went missing between here and Andorra. This was DHL ..... they were next to useless trying to trace it.... seemed that neither French or Spanish offices could decide who was responsible for covering Andorra !?! Eventually I put in a claim, got refunded its value. It then turned up at the delivery address in Andorra about a week later :D ....so there is always hope.
I've not got a direct contact which could be of any use - but you've got to keep hassling them.
I've had issues with FedEx losing stuff through work, if they can say you haven't made a claim soon enough they'll wipe their hands of it.
I had a box containing over £350k worth of implants go missing. It should have been delivered to a company in Reading - the tracking said it had been delivered to a Tesco's in Hull. FedEx then said they'd delivered it and it was my responsibility to chase with Tesco's. Never did find them and the original recipient tried to sue the NHS for the loss.
I've not got a direct contact which could be of any use - but you've got to keep hassling them.
I've had issues with FedEx losing stuff through work, if they can say you haven't made a claim soon enough they'll wipe their hands of it.
I had a box containing over £350k worth of implants go missing. It should have been delivered to a company in Reading - the tracking said it had been delivered to a Tesco's in Hull. FedEx then said they'd delivered it and it was my responsibility to chase with Tesco's. Never did find them and the original recipient tried to sue the NHS for the loss.

I thought those chicken fillets were a bit chewy!
Have you got a tracking number and was it insured?

If insured get a claim filed asap.

If you have a tracking number pm it to me and will see if I can help as used to deal with them and lots of other distribution companies :)
I've not got a direct contact which could be of any use - but you've got to keep hassling them.
I've had issues with FedEx losing stuff through work, if they can say you haven't made a claim soon enough they'll wipe their hands of it.
I had a box containing over £350k worth of implants go missing. It should have been delivered to a company in Reading - the tracking said it had been delivered to a Tesco's in Hull. FedEx then said they'd delivered it and it was my responsibility to chase with Tesco's. Never did find them and the original recipient tried to sue the NHS for the loss.

Only 25 miles from Hull Wayne so could have collected it for you ;)
Thanks for all your advices peeps. I have emailed some of the senior bods and managed to get this escalated to someone who has promised to task a security person to look at the CCTV footage and try to trace it.

And someone from here works at Fedex and has said they will try and help, which I am very grateful for. So I haven't given up yet. After all the damn thing must be somewhere - a 31KG crate can't just disappear. You'd think.

The playfield was insured but you know it's not the money. It had been lovingly and painstakingly restored by Henrik at Pinball Dreams in Germany over the course of six months, and the cabinet and guts of the machine have had hours of work on them on this side of the water. And you can't just go and buy another Cow Poke playfield so its a bit of a disaster if there's a beautifully restored 1965 pinball machine with no playfield. I just gotta hope that FedEx come up with it in the end...

In the meantime if anyone offers you a Cow Poke playfield off the back of a lorry let me know!

Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and advice. Look what finally got delivered today, two weeks after getting lost. Shiny shiny!

cowpoke playfield restored.JPG

Superb work from Henrik Maurer and the rest of Pinball Dreams in Germany.

After writing it off as lost and closing the file, Fedex agreed that as this was an irreplaceable piece of pinball history they would go through CCTV footage and see what happened. I've been told that somehow it lost its label and then somehow the wrong one got stuck back on to it, and it got sent to another depot where it just sat for two weeks till they spotted it.

So boo to Fedex for failing to delivering, losing track of it, and give me high stress levels for the last fortnight, but in the end top marks for deciding it was worth finding and making sure that that happened.

If anyone is interested I'll be doing a shop log about the whole project when I get the chance...
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