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Had a little trip out in the car today.....


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
And came back with a 1977 Zaccaria Aerobatics :) It's my first EM machine and the plan is to get this thing working and cleaned up so I can bring it along to NLP. Managed to get a 2nd fully populated playfield as part of the deal so should come up nice when it's done, just need to figure out how to get it working first. Here's some pics.....





Cool. I love the look of Zaccarias. Good work.

When we were on the road and you said you were thinking of getting something soon, I didn't realise you meant within 48 hours :)

Looking forward to seeing it restored.
Was there one of these at play last year?

I think Terry's one might have been they're but can't remember for sure. Darren or Dave might be able to confirm.

Took my first steps into tinkering with an EM today as the game currently doesn't work but no joy so far. The game powers on and the score motor in the bottom of the cab just spins continually along with the steppers under the pf and the drop targets constantly try and reset....no action in the back box though (did had the 10K reel constantly spinning but fixed this by adjusting the 0 position switch to the right place). Any EM experts on here got any ideas on where to start?

I've been using Clays guides and today did the following:
  • Checked all the fuses, all ok
  • Checked the coin door switch, looks ok
  • Stripped down one of the steppers, cleaned it up and rebuilt it.
Find someone that used to work for BT who has some of the old Strowger relay contact cleaners. They are like files, strips of paper of varying roughness's, however used for professionally cleaning relay contacts in situ. Perfect and purpose built for cleaning all the contacts.... Used to be thousands about, however seem to be a bit rare as the last Strowger exchange closed nearly 15 years ago now...

Nice machine tho :)
What a great machine and with it being a zacc it shouldn't need to much to get it looking near perfect. Fun game to play as well so looking forward to a few games at the show.
Can't recall one at last years show but could be mistaken as I didn't get to play many games.
Sounds like it could be one of the relays not lined up correctly thats causing your problem. I am no expert on EM's but learned a little when I had my Surf Champ.
Dave Dutton is the man you need to talk to on this as he is the man when it comes to EM's.
Try him on the Yahoo group as he is mostly on there.
Dave Dutton is the man you need to talk to on this as he is the man when it comes to EM's.
Try him on the Yahoo group as he is mostly on there.

One step ahead of you mate, I've already got an email convo going with Dave and John Bateson as well :)
Dave is very knowledgeable and helped me fix Hit The Decks.
The simplest idea worked quickest on these machines, I tested all the switches in the reset process to see if any where closed when they should have been open.
Get a wire with two croc clips at either end, connect these to either side of a switch and test if the switch open or closed changes the behaviour to do it even quicker.
Welcome to the weird world of wires, relays and schematics Mr Anderson.

That looks in a pretty decent shape. Looking forward to seeing it fly at the nlp
It's alive!!!!! :D Thanks to some quality advice from John (Biff) and Dave I got her working this evening and can play a game. Still things to sort out of course but the main issue of not being able to play it has been resolved......time to start a shop log thread I think :)
nice one Chris, get busy posting and don't skimp on the pictures.
i'm looking forward to playing this at NLP next month
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