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Got an EM tucked away & need help to get it sorted while helping Cancer Research UK?


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Near Grantham
As amended 31/08/18 *

So you bought a project EM opened it up and then stepped away in a cold sweat from the mass of wires, relays and coils with your mind spinning at the thought of sorting it all out? Maybe you just never got around to it and its been sitting in your garage, your dads garage, your milk mans garage all this time?

* Then why not put a bid in for the Pink Tutu EM refurbishment Co. to bring it back to life for you. 100% of the winning bid money will go to JustGiving and then onto Cancer Research UK, all you need to do is provide the pin and parts and I will: -

  • Strip down all moving parts (e.g. score reels, stepper units, score motors cam assembly, above playfield, under playfield, bottom panel.)
  • Get it working back into a reliable condition
  • Carry out minor touch ups on the playfield
  • Remove, Tumble and refit all metal work small enough to fit into my tumbler
  • Check and gap all contacts
  • Ensure all supported game features are checked and left working
  • Replace all lamps
  • Deliver and setup the game and provide you with a hands-on guide on how to keep it going
  • Phone support for 12 months
Before I dive into detail, my thanks to Paul for allowing me to post this – cheers buddy!

So. How will this work?

* Simply place the your bid that you are willing to pay for this service in the thread below - obviously it must be higher than the current highest bid.
Include the name and make of the pinball machine.
Provide a description of the machine condition and history if known (e.g. was stored in an abattoir near the giblets bucket etc)
* If you are the highest bidder, I will get in touch, request some pictures of the machine to best estimate the level of work
* The bidding is open now and will close at Midnight on 14th September.

That’s it. Within a few days I will get in touch we will confirm a few details about the machine and make sure you are happy with the Ts and Cs, then you make a donation for the bid amount directly to my just giving page – please do not make any payments until we have had a chance to discuss the details!

Please bear in mind I am not doing this for a living nor a prospective business, this may be the only time that I do this. I am doing something I enjoy to raise money for charity whilst at the same time bringing back to life another dead pin. I have won three best in show awards for my work on restoring pins. I have a fair amount of experience with EMs, mostly Williams and Bally based EMs and most of my machines have been to many shows and are always involved in the Midlands league meet.

Now so that we are all on the same page and to help manage your expectations there are some terms and conditions below that should ensure that there are no misunderstandings. Please read them to make sure you are happy. Again there may be some points we need to discuss before you agree.

Terms and Conditions

Thanks for supporting. Please do not be put off by the following. I just want to make sure that there are no misunderstandings between us and that we are on the same page. This is not about 100% refurbishing a pin, repainting, resurfacing or replacing all parts to anything approaching a mint condition pin. Instead, I ,JB, will provide the time and labour and will endeavour to get your non-working EM pinball to a reliable working state – its’ as simple as that. For example I will not be replacing flipper mechs nor anything unless it is significantly compromising play or dangerous. I will not be re-stencilling artwork on the side nor filling holes in wood etc. Anything missing or in need of replacement will have to be funded by the pin provider outside of the payment to JustGiving. To give you an idea, the most I have spent on a pin to refurb it was about £80.00. This is about getting the system working using as much as possible of the original parts that are already with the pinball machine. I will endeavour to complete the work by June 15th 2019 assuming the following conditions: -

  • The machine is delivered to me by no later than 15th Jan 2019
  • The machine is not missing any mechanisms nor game specific parts – if we find out that it is then the pin provider will need to foot the bill for any and all additional parts or agree to exclude from the restore
  • It should not have significant signs of woodworm
  • I will provide new rubbers and balls
  • The pin provider must be prepared to spend money on purchasing any items that I cannot cover that I find non serviceable during the restore
  • The pin provider must facilitate the provision of a schematic, I cannot restore without one.
  • Any parts, schematics etc I am happy to obtain if the provider pays for them.
  • In the event that 2 is not met the provider of the table must provide me with any missing parts at no cost to me before February 15th.
  • If additional time to complete is required this will be by joint agreement between myself and the pin provider
  • The machine must be delivered at no cost or risk to me by the provider or courier on behalf of the provider.
  • I can, upon agreement, deliver the machine, setup and provide you with a detailed overview of how the system works and trouble shooting advice`
  • Note: Delivery may incur additional cost to cover travel expenses, this will be agreed up front.
  • I will provide 12 month FOC phone cover for supporting in the event of issue – additional visits may incur travel cost, to be agreed.
  • While the table is under my care it will be covered for theft, fire and water damage only – the figure to be agreed by both parties prior to work commencing
  • Under no circumstances what so ever once the money has transferred to JustGiving, can a refund be provided by JustGiving or by me or representative of me.
  • * If I die or am incapacitated before completion… Well not much I can do about that. But at the very least I will ensure that my wife knows that this pin is yours so you can collect it.
  • All extraneous and exposed conductive parts, where practicable will be bonded to earth to comply with current regulations with the cost of any associated materials being undertaken by the pin provider – this is not negotiable, the system has to be safe regardless whether it was designed to be earthed or not.
  • Subject to approval of the pin provider, I or Cancer Research UK request the opportunity to use any pictures or logs from the refurbishment to help promote awareness for future marketing.
  • After completion I will provide a Portable Appliance Test report for the table at no cost to the provider
  • Once complete the table must be checked and played by the provider to check for completeness.
  • Once completion has been deemed by me (whichever is the sooner) or as soon as the table leaves my premises, liability of the table will end. The pin owner must take the necessary steps for insurance.
  • I or representatives of me cannot be held accountable for any damage or injury resulting from use or misuse of this table.
Hopefully this has not put you off. My starting or Reserve bid is £250.00. Please place a bid higher than this amount.

* Please reply to this thread with a bid equal to or greater than 250.

* The higher you bid the greater the chance you have of winning and the more money will go to Cancer Research UK.

Thank you and happy bidding.

John B
Last edited:
Thanks David.

Message to all.
I wanted to do a sealed bid auction so it gave me a chance to vet the machines to make sure they were doable. But I think it is going to be more fun for you if i change the rules.

Last minute change - sorry.

I will adjust the Ts andCs above.

So to clarify, you can have as many bids as you like, you just need to be higher than the last bidder.
You must post your bid value on this thread after the last highest bid, again with details of the machine.
I will leave the bidding open for two weeks. So bidding closes on midnight on the 14th September.
Once bidding has closed, I will need to double check with the the highest bidder that the machine is doable, i.e. not one solenoid, half a playfield and one score reel... :)
If there are any issues and the bidder or I cannot fulfil, i will go back to the next highest bidder and so on.

David please put your bid back on here - so sorry to muck you around. First time i have ran an auction... :)

Thanks all.

Thanks @Matt Vince. The current highest bidder - nice one ?. Did I mention that if we can get over 400 I will do some of it in a tutu. And of course I would have to record it and put on YouTube, wouldn be right n proper otherwise ?
Okay here we are, the last day of the bid!

Bidding closes tonight at midnight. Will there be any last miniute lurkers looking to grab an absolute bargain? Or has Steve won the day... :)

Just to let yo know, w have raised just over 2k - thank you for your support so far!


My thanks to @DAD, @steve brum and @Matt Vince for taking part in the auction - thanks chaps and sorry you did not win.

Congratulations @PeterFenton for winning the bid @£450.00. Once we have a chat and agree a few things i will let you know where to pay the money into to 100% support Cancer Research UK. Your contribution will make a big difference, as will everyone that has supported to date!

Thank you!

In order to get the ball rolling (pardon the pun) please PM me with the following: -

Let me have your mobile number so I can call you next week please
Pictures of your pinball machine, inside and outside.
Do you have the schematics?
Is there anything missing or broken that you know of?

Once again thank you to you all and special thanks to @Paul for allowing me to use the forum to host it.

Once Peter and I agree all the nitty gritty i will start a workshop post so you can keep track, will also see if i can sort a live session out for $hits n giggles.


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