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Going under the knife Monday!


Site Supporter
Jun 8, 2015
Title maybe a bit dramatic! But I'm having cateract surgery in the morning! Been waiting since last October but with the covid thing I knew it was out the window. I got a call on Monday telling me I had a surgery slot the following Monday. So that was great news, I can't really see anything out my right eye, I only went for my first eye test ever last year when I was 57! crazy as been struggling with my sight for years. So I have a severe cateract in my right eye and small one's in the left eye. It's affecting my ability to drive now so I really am looking forward to getting it done. I also had to have a Covid test on Friday, that was fun.

I'm a bit scared at the thought of getting my eye ball cut into! I guess the short notice has given me less time to think/worry about it!

Cheers Ronnie
I had a major eye operation about 5 years ago - I am terrified about anything 'eye' based. But these people are so skillful. You will be in and out in no time! Best of luck Ronnie. Take care and do what they tell you (rest!).
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Is that just in Nine Wells Ronnie? A work friend just had this done and he said that it changed his life. He didn't realise how bad his eye sight was as he had lived with it for so long.
If you can try and take a decent mask with you. The hospital ones are so itchy and uncomfortable
Good luck 👍
Back in the day my mum had it done and it was a wow moment with a night and day difference she never shut up about.
Good luck m8 not that you will need it and we will see you back here in no time and so will you too but only in a lot better light x
Thanks guys, yes I'm hoping it will be life changing, yes having it done at Ninewells hospital, The eyes specialist says I'm too young to have cateracts! Normally for people in there 70's! But I suspect they started in my mid 40's! Should have seen to it years ago!

Thanks Ronnie
My mum has her second eye done Friday. Called me yesterday to say she could see again. They have got so good at these operations so best of luck and let us know how it goes.
My dad got his cateracts done a good few years ago, he said it was like lifting a net curtain away that he had been looking thru for years. He also got them to correct his eyesight at the same time so he didn’t need to wear glasses anymore

said it was a breeze. Only thing he did say was don’t let the surgeon bring students in if you are at all Squeamish as they explain in detail what he’s doing as he goes and you are wake through the process, my dad was glad he only had students in for the second eye or he says he wouldn’t have gone back (he was very squeamish)

Good luck
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Absolutely nothing to worry about. This is an eye opening operation 😂, you willl be amazed at the difference it makes.
My dad got his cateracts done a good few years ago, he said it was like lifting a net curtain away that he had been looking thru for years. He also got them to correct his eyesight at the same time so he didn’t need to wear glasses anymore

said it was a breeze. Only thing he did say was don’t let the surgeon bring students in if you are at all Squeamish as they explain in detail what he’s doing as he goes and you are wake through the process, my dad was glad he only had students in for the second eye or he says he wouldn’t have gone back (he was very squeamish)

Good luck

Good to know, thanks all, I never got any options for eyesight correction! I just told me I would need glasses after the op, I had perfect eyesight until I hit my 40's

My older sis had hers done in OZ where she lives but private, I think it was lense replacement? She no longer needs glasses.

Thanks Ronnie
Yeah lense replacement is what he got, he just asked at some of his consolations. Not something they can knock up on the morning though.

my dad was afraid of the dentist let along surgeons and he said it was easy so nothing to be getting anxious about 👍
Good luck for tomorrow buddy 👍 luck on the bright side this time tomorrow , it will be all over and you will be sitting on your own chair with a bottle of bear or glass of wine in your hand watching TV :)
Good luck buddy, I had a torn retina or something about 7 or 8 years ago with required cryo stitching or something where they basically glue your retina back together with a frozen needle LOL (whilst your awake ahhhh) They do completely numb your eyeball (and half your face) first though.
Right guys I survived it! In at 8.30 I was done by 9.30, never felt a thing! Not even the needle in my eye, I'm now typing this email without glasses! the diffrence is like night and day! I had my right eye done and now I see how bad my left eye is and that was the only eye I could see with!

Thanks for all your support guys

All the best Ronnie
Didn't get to wish you luck yesterday, but glad to hear it all went well, and top news on the recovery.
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