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God I hate selling pins.


Nov 8, 2016
There, thats it. I acknowledge that there is only so much space and only so much cash I can realistically have tied up on them, no matter how much I push it.

I know they are entertainment machines and all that and there's far greater things in life.

But I hate selling them. HATE IT.
Only one I've been glad to see the back of was the TMNT I got and did up for a friend. My DE hatred started there.
Just out of interest, why do you hate Data East games Spadge? Obviously not TMNT as that's universally hated
I'm with you on DE games. I can't stand them. Even the so called best DE game GnR i really don't like. They all just feel cheap to me.
It must be a theme they like since Stern continued on their cheap feeling....

Joking aside, it's really interesting hearing everyone having different views on different manufacturers.
Weirdly I can't stand Sega/DE either. Not had a load of experience but put off completely by MSF. Liked the game, but hated the underlying software, hardware buttons and physical lift of the playfield. Weird...
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Data East always had poorer build quality than Bally Williams. Poorer art. Less features/ toys. But, Data East sometimes had better sound.

Data East became Sega. Sega became Stern.

Gary Stern ran Data East and still runs Stern. His apparent "made to a price" ethos has always existed with these brands. But it has stood the test of time. These brands kept going when everyone else shut down. Without this ethos pinball manufacturing could very well have died out entirely.

JJP is trying to offer a Bally Williams type product to compete with the "made to a price" Stern model. But JJP is falling short at the moment.

So Gary might have been right all along.
Based on Dialed-in experiences ...

Clearcoat that is still wet
Cheapo balls that scratch the playfield
Greasy mechs leaving ball trails, scratching the pf
Mechs that need repair and adjustment when brand new
Airball bonanza
Phone failures
Cheapo cliffys
Based on Dialed-in experiences ...

Clearcoat that is still wet
Cheapo balls that scratch the playfield
Greasy mechs leaving ball trails, scratching the pf
Mechs that need repair and adjustment when brand new
Airball bonanza
Phone failures
Cheapo cliffys

Yeah but what’s your point :rofl:

And Data East games are frickin awesome. I love them (although don’t currently own one
Money and space no object, I’d have them all in a line.WWFRR, is great ooooooooh yeeeaaaahhh
I'm interested to know the difference in NIB prices in the same year say;
1992 Hook vs TAF
1993 TFTC vs TZ

Were they that much cheaper?
That's interesting, my dad used to buy NIB bally/williams to operate but never bought a new DE. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't much difference in price if any, I will have to ask him sometime.
Wwfrr and gnr were a step up for data east, trying to compete with the Williams widebody like TZ and IJ, Tommy again was pretty loaded so not all bad! However when they became Sega the drop in quality seemed pretty apparent after the 3 large screen efforts of maverick, Baywatch and .....sorry can't remember the 3rd.. was there a 3rd?....sorry old age and all that (hangover)....
Yeah but what’s your point :rofl:

And Data East games are frickin awesome. I love them (although don’t currently own one
Money and space no object, I’d have them all in a line.WWFRR, is great ooooooooh yeeeaaaahhh

I'm with Gaz on this one .......... loads of great DE/Sega games... Yes they feel different to Bally/Williams but to write off a whole company's worth of games is to deny yourself a lot of pinball fun :eek: And believe me DE games are made for FUN.

Regarding build quality - over the years I have seen this DE vs Williams argument a million times and there are just as many folk saying DE games are built like tanks and hold up better than Williams ...so go figure as our US chums might say.
Wwfrr and gnr were a step up for data east, trying to compete with the Williams widebody like TZ and IJ, Tommy again was pretty loaded so not all bad! However when they became Sega the drop in quality seemed pretty apparent after the 3 large screen efforts of maverick, Baywatch and .....sorry can't remember the 3rd.. was there a 3rd?....sorry old age and all that (hangover)....

Frankenstein and Batman Forever :thumbs:

Of the later regular size DMD Segas ...Starship Troopers is the king :cool: Bloody great game. But yeah the tail end Sega games were pretty forgettable ...Lost In Space, Twister etc
Don't be telling people how great DE games are!!!
I plan to buy a few and like that people think they are junk and cost a fraction of some games.

In regards to Nib and JJP. I don't really understand how they are getting away with their prices tbh.
Arcades and pins were priced due to their manufacturing costs and their potential earnings. That is why they were expensive. But considering the JJP Pirates is aimed at the home user, why is it 9k!!!!!!
It is utter madness.
I think if you were to look under the playfield of say a Hobbit or WOZ you would understand where all the money is spent. JJP games are at the forefront of pinball tech. They are the Bally/Williams of this era..
Totally agree, just got my first JJP and the light show, sound, immersive gameplay, 27" LCD, etc, is all totally and utterly mind blowing. Mind you on a tech front I feel like a total newbie again!
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