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Getaway supercharger problem


Jan 12, 2015
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi all.
The getaway supercharge started going really slowly. Went into test menu and it was running at about 200 in the sc test menu.
Checked the accelerator board and it has a tip102 transistor missing. Found this in the bottom of the cabinet.
Replaced the transistor with a new one and put the board back in. Still the same problem.
Seems like the last opto in the supercharger isn't opening. This has to be related to the board itself right and not the supercharger?
Going to test my soldered joints now
Check your driver board fuses before going any further. Can't remember which one but it's not listed as a supercharger fuse (unlike some others)...! :rolleyes:
Checked them all. I wasn't getting continuity between the transistor and the resistor like i was on the others. I am now. Will put it back in tomorrow and see what happens. My only concern is a was told the supercharger was 'smoking' while the ball was travelling really slow round it. Don't see how it could of been with only 1 magnet working? What is there to smoke anyway? Will check it out and hopefully it will be okay
Checked them all. I wasn't getting continuity between the transistor and the resistor like i was on the others. I am now. Will put it back in tomorrow and see what happens. My only concern is a was told the supercharger was 'smoking' while the ball was travelling really slow round it. Don't see how it could of been with only 1 magnet working? What is there to smoke anyway? Will check it out and hopefully it will be okay

Smoking suggests you had a short on one of the magnets, that could have caused the track to break (hence no connectivity between transistor and resistor). Check what that transistor was driving before putting the driver board back in the game and check the transistor itself against others and see if the readings are the same or not (diode setting on the meter; if its not it will need replacing). Also continunity check the magenets to see if there is a short before switching the game on again, otherwise you may repeat the problem.
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