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Games you love to hate but can't stop playing.


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
So, on my list are IM and TWD for obvious reasons.

Bit further down is WH20 as getting the rafts near the top of the river and then draining was super annoying!

But top of the list is Aerosmith.

Playing it more than any other game by a mile and yet, it drives me utterly bonkers:mad:o_O:rolleyes:

Time and time again I gamble on going from 3 to 4, 5, or 6 ball multiball and then get a cheap drain!

Had it over 4 months, can't stop playing it and yet.... sometimes I hate it:tut:

The good news is after being beaten black and blue I go on my B/W games and they just seem easier and easier:)

One day I will get close to Final Tour, maybe, nah, probably not.....

crazy.gif tenor.gif
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From mine...


MB (lots of game time)
AFM (friendly, game time)
MMr (friendly)
LOTR (lots of game time)
TOM (friendly)


FT (although fast)


TAF (magnets, drains, can be maddening)
TZ (drains especially in the left out lane)
WH20 (Fast)
TWD (Drains but I still enjoy it a lot)
GB (Drains due to flipper gap, installed a centre post!)
I'm finding RFM to be a lot harder to consistently get a decent score on than TWD. My average ball times on RFM are way way lower than TWD.
Iron Man. A perfect balance of cage fighting and pinball.

Walking Dead was brilliant but far too many games ended in frustration.
Iron Man for me too, love it but can be very cruel, agree that ac/dc can also be great then dreadful for me score wise still getting to know the game though
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