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Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Ran out of some fuses so decided to stock up my spares box - this place seemed about the cheapest I could find .....box of 10 slow blow £1.55


And delivery was next day ! , even though I choose the cheapest standard delivery method. Result.
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Good stuff.

I am running a bit low on fuses so will get some ordered.
once saw a 15amp where there should have been a 1/8 amp - sheesh:eek:

ALWAYS good to check fuses fitted on a new pin
A recent board repair and fuse sort out/correction has left me with a 50 Amp yep they do actually make 50 Amp fuses! Also found the following over rated fuses 35, 15, 8 and 7 Amps all in the same WPC driver board. Interestingly (or perhaps surprisingly) the repair wasn't fuse related... :cool:
I have seen 350 amp ones and 500 amp ones on aircraft

Now that would be scary on a pin
I was always told that a 6" nail was rated at about 500 amp ....
That would be serious current to blow a six inch nail, or even a five inch nail come to that.
Thanks for the recommendation, bought a range of fuses yesterday, arrived within 24hrs
Thanks for the info....I was getting fed up paying Maplins silly prices.
i was buying some of these, and spotted at the last second that the 1A ones are a little pricier than the rest 💷
i'm about to click buy on those ebay fuses that are in my ebay 'basket' now, can someone check that my selection is ok? i'm also a DMD whore, so i only need fuses for games since 1990 really. my RG is my oldest ever, it's an alphanumeric and i love it, but i can't see me ever going back past 1985


will that pretty much set me up for life for all my fuse needs?
and if i'm replacing a popped fuse and only have a bit higher or a bit lower, should i generally replace with a bit higher?
You should always replace with same or Lower (there are a few exceptions like using a 3.15A instead of 3A), unless there is a very good reason for going higher (not having the right value fuse is not classed as a very good reason!).
cheers for that Pete, and also for your comment in my RG shop/fix thread.
your fixing skills are top notch, so i was hoping you'd chime in

i'm about to click buy on those ebay fuses that are in my ebay 'basket' now, can someone check that my selection is ok? i'm also a DMD whore, so i only need fuses for games since 1990 really. my RG is my oldest ever, it's an alphanumeric and i love it, but i can't see me ever going back past 1985


will that pretty much set me up for life for all my fuse needs?
and if i'm replacing a popped fuse and only have a bit higher or a bit lower, should i generally replace with a bit higher?

5A Slow for the main incomer fuse

3A and 7A used a lot on DMDs also
What does nb mean? No burn? I got bleddy 8a slow burn by mistake grr.

Also what is 3/4 and 3/8 a in new money cuz I can't find em in that size

Anyone? just found a 3/8 amp one blown how much is in miliamps? cuz dont seem to be able to find any in 3/8. Doh just worked it out 375ma

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Thank you sarge for this link,I just purchased from them I got six packs of ten all different rates £12 inc postage well pleased :)
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