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Full body workout

Davey D

Site Supporter
2 10 Years
Aug 4, 2014
Grimsby, UK
From going to the shows through the years Ive noticed there are a lot of different play styles for people playing on a pinball machine.

The one that amuses the most (saw a few like this a NERG this weekend) is when people are flailing around the cabinet lunging their body back, and forth with every press of the flipper buttons like their arms are physically attached to the flipper bats. All i can think of when watching them is they must be knackered by the end of a game due to the amount of moving, and jumping about they are doing :cuckoo: o_O

Then there are those that hover their hands around 4" from the flipper buttons between shots, and then slap the sides of the cabinet when quickly trying to press the buttons... My thought with that is the further your hands are from the buttons, the longer it will take you to press them, thus making your reaction times worse?!

I must look quite boring in comparison. Stood bolt upright not moving an inch, just a steely glare at the playfield, and fingers stuck to the flipper buttons

Any other funny techniques out there?
HAHAHA, I was watching "Special When Lit" at the weekend and the technique you talk of is almost interpretive dance, hey - whatever works for you.

I'm an upright British attack man too... but I am also terrible, so each to their own.
From going to the shows through the years Ive noticed there are a lot of different play styles for people playing on a pinball machine.

The one that amuses the most (saw a few like this a NERG this weekend) is when people are flailing around the cabinet lunging their body back, and forth with every press of the flipper buttons like their arms are physically attached to the flipper bats. All i can think of when watching them is they must be knackered by the end of a game due to the amount of moving, and jumping about they are doing :cuckoo:o_O

Then there are those that hover their hands around 4" from the flipper buttons between shots, and then slap the sides of the cabinet when quickly trying to press the buttons... My thought with that is the further your hands are from the buttons, the longer it will take you to press them, thus making your reaction times worse?!

I must look quite boring in comparison. Stood bolt upright not moving an inch, just a steely glare at the playfield, and fingers stuck to the flipper buttons

Any other funny techniques out there?

I'm fairly unanimated, I may sometimes move myself as to feel that me going off balance will somehow affect the ball's flight, where I could you know, actually nudge it, but that seems rude, even if legit. I put a lot of TLC into my machines so am not keen on shaking 7 bells of ****e out of them.
Actually, depending on the music I am listening too, I have been known to bust some moves when the mood strikes...
HAHAHA, I was watching "Special When Lit" at the weekend and the technique you talk of is almost interpretive dance, hey - whatever works for you.

I'm an upright British attack man too... but I am also terrible, so each to their own.

Maybe that's where I'm going wrong with TZ. Can barely crack 300m+ I'll forgo the gym tomorrow and jump around the machine instead. LITZ here I come!
I find it hard enough to just control my fingers when playing, so no chance of any dancing mid-game for me.

It is pretty interesting to watch peoples method of playing. There are a few guys over in Denmark who insist on wearing headphones so they can listen to their choice of audio whilst playing to block out what's going on around them. Personally I find the audio cues from the Pin to be more useful so I can't really see the point in trying to 'tune' out.
I find that I’m moving around and I don’t even realise I’m doing it - when it happens I’m isually doing well at a game. I was playing doctor Who at flipout and getting Inc quite well with it and suddenly saw myself in the reflection of another game - fortunately the place was quiet LOL
I absolutely use headphones, in fact my song of choice at the World Cup meet was Disney's Duck Tales.. at the moment it's Prince.
I know this post is old, but I came across these videos and had a good laugh. Thank you for that. When I watch people playing pinball, I will enjoy such a spectacle.
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Pinball requires you to be physically active and able to move quickly. Usually, people who do active sports, archery, football, and others are better at it. I am not an athlete myself, but I do some exercise from time to time not to become an absolute bum.
It doesn’t take me much time, and I also have some help from https://www.healthcanal.com/sexual-health/best-testosterone-boosters. I take testosterone from TestoGen because it helps me build muscle mass and lose fat. It’s the best supplement I have taken before, and I will continue taking it until I get the physical form of my dream.
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I can be quite energetic when I play, I think it's more a part of my personality rather than it being good technique.

However, I swear the more you get into it the better you play. Sometimes hitting the buttons harder does have an impact as you slightly move the machine. It can be miniscule but enough to change the trajectory.

My issue is I can do great saves but by doing them my hands leave the buttons and then I lose the ball right after the save 😂
I remember playing a machine at 8 Bit Flip a few years back and a guy on the machine next to me was so overly animated and vocal I honestly thought he must be taking the ****....but he wasn't.
There are certainly times when you need to get your hips into the flip to get it up a ramp.. And I have been known to attempt to Mamushka when the Mamushka is going (Usually after I toured the mansion already)
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