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Free to a good home: WPC back box


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Hi group

I have a WPC back box taking up room in my shed which is free to a good home. It's in pretty good shape as it is and currently has STTNG decals. Might clean up better than your existing one or good restoration fodder. Includes the lamp board. Only real damage is around the latch on the back. I'll try and get to it later to take pics if interested but its well buried at the mo behind a couple of folded away pins.

I can bring to Swavesey on Saturday or you can collect from Ipswich. Although if you want it bringing to Swavesey please be aware that my work is very unpredictable and I may find out on Friday night that I have to work on Saturday. Nature of the beast I'm afraid!!


It's yours Geoff. If you wait a couple of weeks the man cave will be finished and I'll have my pins set up. Less FH which is mid shopping at the moment.
oops - ya beat me to it Geoff.... If you;re not specifically after it for a STTNG Geoff, I have one with shot decals that i would be willing to trade it for (my decals are shot).

If it's a sweetner, I'm happy to prepare it for re-decalling if you want... ;)
Paul, we can certainly do a trade. I plan to use it to make a perfect back box for any of my collection so I don't need STTNG decals on it. No need to strip yours either as I want the practice on prepping as I have a few machines to do. I will collect it from Gaz in a few weeks time (get to play on his collection in the new Man Cave) and then make another trip up to see you, might be at the Pinball Party looking at timing.
Depending on the work required, it will go on TAF (light holes needed), Creech or IJ.
As far as i can see the cab itself on mine is good other than one corner which has been filled and a small chip.

Daz is the expert, however for filling holes i would recommend Milliput or other Epoxy filler - this stuff is harder than the wood itself.

Anyway, I have been looking for an excuse to get down and see you.... ;) :D

Anyhow, thanks all :) :)
Splendid. Glad you've sorted something chaps. Paul. I'll dig it out and post some photos when I get a chance.
Group hug. Oh, there is no icon for it.
This gives me something to look forward to. I will be in touch with both of you to arrange the meets and either of you are alway welcome to come over here if you fancied. We could even have a central meet at my house if you both wanted to come on over :) .
Something to look forward to?

What about the honeymoon you're heading off on soon? Loads of romantic strolls, eye gazing, plans for the future, drunken shenanigans ..... and lots of sex. Ok apart from the shenanigans and the sex it sounds dull but just think of the playfield-multiplied super jackpot on Creech during those bits, and they won't be so bad
Ha ha. No worries mate. Have a good honeymoon. I don't need an excuse to dust off my bike and head off in to the sunset to play pinball!
Hi Paul
Finally got round to digging out the back box. It's not as good as I remember but it might still be good for you as resto fodder.

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

As you can see it has damage at the bottom where the latch is.
But it does have the lamp board and harness and the metal mounting plate for the boards.
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