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Forum costs


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Hi guys,

Well as you are all probably aware, hosting costs, however last night i was pleasently surprised.

Now i installed a mod a while ago which automatically converted links posted to affiliate links, meaning that affectively any links that are clicked on the forum takes you invisibly through to the target site and if that site was part of the affiliate companies program then they pay a small amount for the "click through".

Example - Ebay - if someone clicks on an ebay link on here and someone follows it we get 6Cents per click to ebay.com, 7Cents to Ebay.co.uk. The same sort of thing happens with Youtube.

However to cut a long story short i received a payment of $17 for Sept - Oct, which i have put towards the hosting bill for this month.

I just wanted to say thanks to you all - without affecting anything, and without knowing it you guys have just paid for a small mount of the hosting for this month
Just to give you all some more of that warm feeling, it doesnt install anything nasty or do pass on any information to other parties since if that was the case then i would never have installed it. It;s just a great way to make money from those retailers since it's them that basically say "thanks for your business"

Just remember to keep clicking on those links

Some other examples are :







So - some of these (for example Ebay) pay per click through to ebay, others pay comission on anything bought.

Therefore if you want to pick anything up from one of these retailers - Maybe some Christmas presents etc, please contemplate clicking on one of the links above and earling us a few pence towards the hosting, and keeping the site Ad-Free
it all adds up

Many thanks

Excellent news, perhaps worth putting in the banner? Also is there a way to highlight "sponsored" links in a different colour, so we all know and would all click on them then no matter what?
I'll be clicking those links everytime I need to visit those sites. Anything I can do to help. Thanks for hosting Paul.
Thats great news
Is there a way of putting up separate lists for those that are pay per click through and those that are pay per things bought?
mufcmufc' date=' post: 1689175 said:
Excellent news, perhaps worth putting in the banner? Also is there a way to highlight "sponsored" links in a different colour, so we all know and would all click on them then no matter what?

Unfortunately not - however ANY link posted to an external source is checked and if it's supported then it will be affiliated

ronsplooter' date=' post: 1689195 said:
Thats great news
Is there a way of putting up separate lists for those that are pay per click through and those that are pay per things bought?

Would love to... The company that i use doesn't provide lists of their clients (apparently because it changes often) - i can only go by the links that have been recorded.... We could of course affiliate manually, however we cant do both at the same time (typically.... !) and it can be a lot of work!
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