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forgive me Rod, for I have sinned...


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May 29, 2013
South of York
Paul G
It's our 9th anniversary so we're going out for dinner in a short while, just enough time for a quick game on Twilight Zone... so 45mins later I'm on 1.2 billion (which isn't normal for me) and the games finally over.


The problem is i had Lost in the Zone flashing at me, ready to go, but i lost my 3rd and final ball... so i bought-in another ball and played LITZ (nearly didn't) and now i feel dirty. To make matters worse I only scored 209 million in the zone.

i really don't like buying-in,
it's an option for the rich/elite to make more money for operators - i've betrayed myself, and i'll sit at the top of the Buy-in leader-board for months now as a bitter reminder...

Has anyone else had a similarly guilty conscience for something as ridiculously insignificant as this?

FYI - She was distracted by something on TV or make-up or whatever, so I've gotten away with the 45min game... this time... :rolleyes:
Your Buy In Option is set to ON??? Guilt , No Satistfaction , No Challange!!! Switch It OFF and never use again (Same In Pinball, same in Video Games) , defently you'll play better.
FYI - She was distracted by something on TV or make-up or whatever, so I've gotten away with the 45min game... this time... :rolleyes:

No, you THINK you got away with it.... It's stored for the next disagreement... or the next... or the next.... "Remember our anniversary where you made me wait 45 mins....."

Doesnt matter that she was watching the TV - she was "waiting for you" - even tho she wasn't... ;)
Having a buy-in button enabled isn't the problem, lacking the will power to not use it during a top game is the issue here. That is the reason you feel so dirty, you could have had a good score and held your head high but now you have to think about it in shame.

IJ has the buy-in button enabled because so guests can get one more chance to play. I occasionally use it when the game ends and I like the next mode as IJ doesn't just give you a ball is gives you a mode and various other forms of drug-dealer style incentives.
All valid comments...

As Calimori says; Buy-in's turned on for other people to use - they're warned about being immortalised on the cheaters score board vs the proper one. The more they play the more they realise the importance of this warning. Besides, the buy-in [extra ball] button would be pointless without it, I just need to show more restraint.

My excuse: Had some reset issues recently, so did some repair work on the driver board and really wanted to push the game to it's limits to cause a reset - could've used the LITZ cheat, but less fun. Thought "feck it, you've come this far, you need to check the thing works properly - push the button, do it". So I did & it worked, problem solved for now. It's just the shame that lives on.

The meal went very well, but she knew...
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