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For Fun - TAF from scratch.


2 10 Years
Sep 21, 2014
SW London
TAF is probably one of the most unlikely game they'll ever re-make due to licencing issues etc.

just wondering, could a brand new one be built from scratch? You can buy new cabinets, playfields, ramps, decals etc. Are there any parts in TAF that you cannot but today?
It's the game specific custom metal work that will be the difficult bit. Things like ball guides, certain posts etc. Wiring harness might be tricky to track down as well. In the end you'll probably end up spending an arm and a leg and for the same type of cash buy a restored one.
What's the license issue for TAF? Is it Raul Julia's estate? Like most license problems money would probably solve it. ;) I wonder how many TAFr they could sell? I know there are still loads hanging around but it's still the go to machine for newbies.
pic is from website pinball graveyard. that TAF "fell" in a river. I had one that had been in fire once with coin door and frame ripped out. Mypinballs salvaged that one back in the day!
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