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Flipper opto issue


Site Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
Hi guys,

Just got my first pin (STTNG) out of storage and into the new pinshack I built, but on set up got an issue that had me stumped at first. All powers up ok no errors. Soon as I hit the start button right flippers go up and stay there.

Did a flipper test and they work fine, so assumed it was CPU related. Long story short it turns out to be the plastic interrupter on the flipper switch for the opto is a little over bent with age/use. Question is what should these look like when new as I haven't got time to unpack another pin yet to check.

Here is a pic of mine and it is causing the hold coil to be on all the time that is the issue - should I just give it a good bend ??? you can see it is not flush and sticking out a bit


Cheers in advance Kev
Looks a bit twisted to me Kev, are they mounted correctly?
Yeah kev they are spot on in terms of mounting think its just the pic, but as you can see they are half way out of the opto slot before you even touch the flipper button. Guess its 20 years plus of use!! weird how it has shown as a fault though when it's been in storage for 16 months but was fine before!!


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