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Found it! Flipper Fans Spike 2


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Dec 19, 2021
I'm unable to locate anything in Europe, before I resort to the US options does anyone have a spare set I could buy please. Thank you
Not at the moment I'm afraid guys.

He said if there is enough demand he might do another run.
Is @Wayne J still making these?
Biggest issue is the sheer number I've got to buy upfront to make it anywhere near viable to make at such a low cost.

Then not only being 2k in the red until they do sell, but the time and effort needed to actually make them once the components have arrived- especially as I need to rely on others to help with the fiddly soldering bits.

I can understand how the Pinmonk ones are advertised at over $200 (the last time I looked), and that maybe I'd underpriced mine at £50.
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