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Favourite mods of all time?


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10 Years
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Hi all.

I am planning a piece about mods for Pavlov Pinball, and was wondering if I could tap in to the community here and ask what people's favourite mods are? Do you have a particular mod that you can't imagine your machine being without? Or that you've seen on another machine and think is great. Do you like mods that add extra bling, or prefer mods that probably should have been part of the original machine but weren't for some reason.

And most of all, what's your favourite mod of all time?


I'm more for anything that enhances the playing experience - I'm a big fan of ColorDMDs and @DrPinball's screen extenders for starters.

Always liked the Deadworld mod for JD - Although that's more a 'retro fix' than a true mod I suppose and the Tiger Saw mod for TOM which gives you a rotating saw is also nice.

One of the best I've seen has to be the AC/DC screen mod to replace that godawful cheap plastic stand up band (insert AC/DC jokes here), just because it fixes something so wrong in the original design.

My favorite mod is @Paul

Prepare to never win a competitive game of NBA ever again ;)
+1 for the JD Deadworld mod and I also like Dreads TAF bookcase decal (the stone effect one that covers the blue plastic) :thumbs:
Can't wait to do the JD Deadworld mod on mine, although you have to use the L-1 ROM whereas the ColorDMD needs L-7 (not that I'll be splashing the cash on one of them for a while!).
Arcade mod for Tron. And even though I don't own the machines the cabinet decals done by Megatron for TSPP & MB.
@Judge Dreads crane mod for JD, looks 1000x better than the actual stock crane that comes with the game.

Cliffy protectors in general, saving worn scoops and holes and preventing damage. About to fit a whole load to my JM.

LED's (I guess this counts as a mod) but too many suppliers to list, probably will say @alchy as I have bought 3 premium LED kits for various games so far which are great. Also @Paul for his special non-ghost ROM.

Superbands, not sure who is behind those but I love how shiny they look. Just a pain to get round the flipper bats!

So many more but these are the ones that I really like!
Speaking of cabinet decals and Dredd, anyone tried Pinball PT? I nabbed a set of interior decals when they were on special, good quality work. http://www.pinballpt.com/prestashop/home/56-judge-dredd-custom-inside-decals.html They do other games too like SS, T2 etc. All interior side decals on their web store, though if you ask nicely by email they might have extra stock of the full cabinet decals they do for their own games.

@Judge Dreads crane mod for JD, looks 1000x better than the actual stock crane that comes with the game.

Cliffy protectors in general, saving worn scoops and holes and preventing damage. About to fit a whole load to my JM.

I must be the only one who actually likes the original crane - I like that it matches the style of the comics.

I'm also trying out Mantis protectors on my DESW rather than Cliffy's, just because they don't cover any artwork (even if they're a bit more work to fit).
It may not be a 'mod' in the usual sense, but I used to update older (pre 'Diner') WMS machines with the later-type flipper baseplate, which has a detachable mounting for the EoS switch. Handy for games like High Speed, where the upper flipper is fitted right alongside the inner wall of the cabinet, and doesn't appear above the top of the cabinet with the playfield raised.
... I also like Dreads TAF bookcase decal (the stone effect one that covers the blue plastic) :thumbs:

Ah yeah good one - I forgot about inside cab decals that carry on the PF artwork to replace the black cab sides as well. Seen loads of awesome ones of these, although I understand a lot of them are no longer available/ one-offs due to potential licensing issues?
I have a few favourites of my own (probably more than most so here they are and maybe some reasons why)

Hat mod for TOM, came to me in my sleep, probably the first motorised aftermarket mod made available for a pinball and a peach
TZ inner cab decals, first and only cab decals with a 3D perspective, these are the bomb (hours and hours in the design stage) drop me a message if you want a set ;)
WH20 skull mountain mod, that really needed to be there
JD crane, original was a turd
TZ motorised invader (shame I could not get the stock)
Scared Stiff triple eyeball mod, works well with the game and always nice to have a bit of gore on a machine
T2 laser canon
WH20 rafts, simple but fit like a glove

The list could be longer but I have kept it short

Also the arcade machine for the Tron (that is a real peach and a credit to the designer), Bill Ung's saucer mod and Tracey's Robby, OK, mine is the best in the world :p but Tracey nailed it and was an early inspiration ;)

Big big thanks to Matt Adams, he was the kick in the **** I needed back in the day.
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the color screen works with L!AT ROM. :)

Good to know, cheers. I did wonder since they changed very little from L-1 to L-7.

Where's that TSPP mod from? I saw another one where they just stuck a Moe figurine there, not as cool.
My fave is Dredds wh20 raft mod. Looks so cool. Also love the skull mountain. One day I will own a wh20 and those mods will grace my machine. Oh yes!!
Color DMD,
Andy Ds wh20 Mod
AFM Expansion Board
P-Roc? (CCC)
DP BOP DMD conversion.

All great Mods that add to games/change the game dramatically imo
Another vote for the incredible Tron arcade mod, one day I will have a Tron pinball machine and that will be the top of the list after the Eli ramp light kit.

I really like what the colour DMD guys are doing at the moment as well. Won't be long before the colour DMD is done for Metallica :)

Shame stern can't release new pins with colour DMD/LED screens as standard.
Generally,best mods are ones that don't look like them but ones that feel part of the game - I think for that reason the Bill ung flying saucers are great.
pascals mod to make HH multiball is great,and pinsound looks interesting.Color dmd's rock!!

Oh,and the mod to make genie into a Ramones pin is mega :D
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