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Failure! (It's popcorn time!)


10 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Sarf East Lahndahn!
So, I've been helping Thomas at the Pipeline fixing his machines (for free(beer)) and making them play real good. Been making some good progress with his three machines and went back today to count the GI LEDs that were out on AC/DC. Which didn't end well...

Long story short, blew the drive transistor for one of the switch rows and ran to Maplins to get the last replacement they had in stock, fixed it and now it's still being a dick to me. Stupid drop target opto's are still playing up (causing the TNT bank to reset three times every time it should) and so is the cannon opto (which had been failed for a long time, just not in the way that would cause a real problem) but at least I found the cause of the problem.

Can you guess what it was?
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Good to meet you yesterday at the Pipeline Robin. :)

I hope that some of my suggestions helped to fix the problem. What was it then?
Nope, found a rogue screw after I'd replaced the transistor that must have been shorting something out on that row. Oddly I can't actually find out where it came from which is worrying!

Looks like two optos in the machine are actually dead so I'll get them replaced tomorrow hopefully.

It's all fun and games this pinball lark!
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