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Exploding Heat Wall on the Way .....

Never bought into climate change, but I'll be damned. Now my eyes are open to the economic harm this is doing to Indonesia 🤪🤪🤪

Rain check: Climate change hits vulnerable Indonesian trans women​

Source(s): Context
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Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to climate change, and trans women, who tend to face more stigma and marginalisation than trans men or other LGBTQ+ Indonesians, are also among those hardest hit by extreme weather.
"Those outside the binary category are often labelled with the category 'deviant', (and) associated with the causes of environmental problems and disasters," said Darmawan, who has researched how climate change affects trans Indonesians.
These kinds of attitudes have seen LGBTQ+ people excluded from plans meant to support Indonesians dealing with the effects of climate change, he said.
The Indonesian government has a five-year plan setting out its development objectives and how it will manage the impacts of climate change and although this includes provisions for vulnerable groups, trans people are not listed among them.
Some trans women are seeking to find their own solutions. To raise awareness about climate change, Sanggar Seroja puts on movie nights and fashion shows, and hosts discussions with other queer communities.
The group also surveyed 80 members of the trans community in Jakarta to find out how climate change affected incomes, frequency of illness, and changes in spending from 2021 to 2022.
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