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Ever Sold A Pin You Didn't Want To ?


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I've just sold my very recently fixed Williams Phoenix because I need the space for an incoming WCS 94.

I was really enjoying playing an old machine. I think I have finally learned to appreciate older machines and their much simpler rule sets. I think when I finally sort out my gameroom and make space for another machine it might well be an older model.
Happens to me frequently! Most marmite machine for me was the TZ. Sold it then a few months later seemed to miss the punishment it dished out.
Errrrr Williams Big Guns is the only one I have sold that I wanted to keep. The backbox was too tall for any of my games rooms :(
All of them except Hurricane, RFM and JM.

I'm on my second FT and truly love it. I'm so tempted to redecal it but the playfield isn't great
I'm on my second Fish Tales and LOTR, missed those two so, so much after selling them before.

Wish that I had never sold my Tron LE a couple of years ago :( , that was part of the cull from 14 down to 5 machines in my collection as I thought that I was going to be moving house.
Just my TZ. I sold it for half it's value too due to not realising a thread I read on the old yahoo forum was 6 years old. Doh! Funny though - I hated the game, just loved the way the pin looked. There's only really space for 2 in my gaff so there's been some hard decisions to make in the past! I currently have FH and STTNG and can't bring myself to sell either. Pin 3 (T3) is arriving soon though so will be living in the kitchen... And so it begins :)
I hated it. Only had it a month and moved it on. There are much better System 11 games for a lot less money IMO.
Swopped a taf for an ij. Big big mistake. So regretted it.
I'm now having to sell my TZ to get another taf. Will I miss it, I'm sure I will but needs must and hopefully I'll rebuild my collection one day.
Indiana jones I think is the only pin I don't miss
My dad has a black rose. Good game. Could do with an outlane kicker to be honest. Trying to beat the shark really wrecks your fingers. Reminds me of then old track and field games
Swopped a taf for an ij. Big big mistake. So regretted it.
I'm now having to sell my TZ to get another taf. Will I miss it, I'm sure I will but needs must and hopefully I'll rebuild my collection one day.
Indiana jones I think is the only pin I don't miss

IJ is well better than TAF IMHO. :popcorn:
I played Indy (Williams) for the first time at Replay - admittedly it was getting late on in the day and my kids were ready to go so dragging me away, but it seemed very slow and cumbersome - maybe it was just how that one was setup at the show, but it didn't really do it for me. I'd probably still have one, just to make sure though :confused:
BR is great . the cannon housing needs to be spot on otherwise the ball has a habit of rolling around the edge of it., SINK SHIP theme is pure class
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