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Elite Dangerous

Have been sitting on my thumbs for months whilst others enthuse about how fantastic the beta is. Got a new PC now, so will be there launch day for sure. Still on the fence about buying a rift for it

For those that haven't been following (but do know the original) this gives an idea on the visual changes!

Spent too many hours on this on the BBC computer... I ditched the docking computer (coz they were always crashing in to the space station especially if you'd done well) and manually landed every time. :rolleyes:

The new version does look awesome :thumbs: but will wait for the formal release in Dec (may hang on for it to be a Xmas pressie seeing as apparently I'm hard to buy pressies for)! :eek:
They've just announced there is no 'offline' mode planned. Internet has erupted in nerd rage. Understandably so I think, given all the other games that have been crippled with this in the past

.. Still planning to be there day one, but more grudgingly so. Rift ordered, now eyeing up ridiculously expensive controllers :oops:
I'm going to wait for release to find out what computer upgrades I need :p

So far, info is a bit thin on the ground.
I was never a big Elite fan, I always thought it was overhyped - and Elite II Frontiers as well. Wing Commander was where it was at :) Which is being redone by the original game designer through crowd-funding: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/> It's available in beta, but I'm going to wait for it to be ready I think.
rom what I have read they have ensured you don't need a bleeding edge monster rig to run it smoothly.

What about to run it on Occulus? Your GPU is going to have to power 2 displays at whatever res the latest Rift dev kit runs at.....1080p?
I'm old, hence the rift is ****.


Everything is cool the first time round, then you fight the second time as all the same mistakes are made again.

Immersion != 3d. Image quality != immersion, infact the opposite. The better things look, the worse the feeling of immersion.
I preferred the look of the original, I was also a posh kid with a BBC micro rather than what I really wanted which was a Speccy. My dad reckoned the Spectrum was just for games whereas I should be doing serious computer stuff.
All about Star Citizen for me. Freelancer and wing commanders were decent games. Used play the X series games a fair bit too.
They've just announced that people that have prepaid will be able to download and play the single player tutorials from this Weds (26th). Finally, a chance to see just how crap my computer will play this!
Hopefully lots of info on what you need to run this.

I'm hoping a a8-7600 will be enough. I can slip 120 quid pas the CFO :p
Waiting for Star Citizen as well, Elite was before my time but I played the heck out of Freelancer and Starlancer back in the day. Chris Roberts games are the ones for me.
Elite passed me by. Was never into the BBC or Spectrum - I grew up with an Apple 2! I did have a dabble here and there but it never gripped me.

I like the home-built triple-projector cockpit though. That's pretty hardcore and dedicated! Think my son would wet himself if you could play ROBOCRAFT on that!

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