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Ebay Auctions 2017

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Thanks for that, the only thing stopping me from getting a Creech was the blue monster issue. Is it possible to get a decent reproduction? (This doesn't look like a cure). Am told the shelf life (so to speak) of the original hologram was only 3-4 years at best.
Henrik at pinball dreams is your man to talk to. I bought a new one and the quality is brilliant. After the lamp upgrade it really does come to life. My camera can't pick up the detail as it's faded out by how bright it is.

After the upgrade

Before the upgrade

Like i said it looks alot more detailed in person.
Yep......If there's one lesson I have learn,t its to ignore the auction part and go in with an offer but that opens up a whole new can of worms to a novice like me..........information from members on here like Darren is like gold, didn't,t read it soon enough.
Could someone give me info on Martin, seen him mentioned on here quite abit, does he deliver all over, I am in Ashbourne ,Derbyshire.
What does anyone think the Creech could of gone for given the work it had done on it, I know there's a fair price and then there is the its a beauty and I want it price,...............I have got 3500 ish in the kitty but not sure its high enough on my want list to of gone anywhere near that ........but that's personal choice..........it looked a class machine.

Welcome aboard. I know Ashbourne well. Lovely little place, used to drive through there twice a day. Shrovetide football is bloody nuts! There is a guy just down the road from you in Burton-upon-Trent who regularly does up pinball machines and sells them on eBay. I don't know him but his machines always look good. Worth looking out for.
Cheers for that....I will keep a look out for him, and yep it is.....only a few weeks before two days of not so organised chaos!

Job lot of 8 pins and 2 vids - "8 pinball machines all are complete and working but require minor cleaning and workshoping all machines have good pcbs and displays two have colour Dmds the two videos are defender and splatterhouse the defender has a power supply problem and the splatterhouse has a moniter problem the t3 in the picture has been sold the pinballs are stern Simpsons stern elvis stern family guy Bally Williams fish tales Bally Williams demolition man sega batman and data east WWF royal rumble saga south park so that's 8 pinballs and 2 videos".
Had there been anything I was after in the above link I'd be up for a group buy!

The Nitro Ground Shaker http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152374359328?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT that was mentioned in the 2016 eBay thread (?) someone in here was interested in but now at £820 seems expensive! It may be shopped but it's seen some mileage, innit?
I remember the artwork on that pin being into Funny Cars and drag racing and I definitely appealed to me as a young arcade go-er!

I am going to be the prowd owner of my first working pinball soon! Before March hopefully!

Job lot of 8 pins and 2 vids - "8 pinball machines all are complete and working but require minor cleaning and workshoping all machines have good pcbs and displays two have colour Dmds the two videos are defender and splatterhouse the defender has a power supply problem and the splatterhouse has a moniter problem the t3 in the picture has been sold the pinballs are stern Simpsons stern elvis stern family guy Bally Williams fish tales Bally Williams demolition man sega batman and data east WWF royal rumble saga south park so that's 8 pinballs and 2 videos".

What a bunch of crap photos, the vids aren't pictured, boxes and other junk sitting inside the Southpark, FT lying on the floor, etc. Seller feedback includes vids and pins, so I guess this person knows what they are selling and the value of it.
I'm new to this pinball hobby but have used eBay a lot, pinball on there does seem to have a law of its own but surely it would be worth investigating. If the person selling actually has an adress, is happy to let someone have a look without any deposits and can prove they are legit surely its worth someone who knows what they are talking about have a look, I for one would help cover costs and be interested in the Simpsons at least...............it will probably end early like most eBay or not be legit but then the seller may just want a chunk of money without the hassle of selling individually......and he's open to offers..

Job lot of 8 pins and 2 vids - "8 pinball machines all are complete and working but require minor cleaning and workshoping all machines have good pcbs and displays two have colour Dmds the two videos are defender and splatterhouse the defender has a power supply problem and the splatterhouse has a moniter problem the t3 in the picture has been sold the pinballs are stern Simpsons stern elvis stern family guy Bally Williams fish tales Bally Williams demolition man sega batman and data east WWF royal rumble saga south park so that's 8 pinballs and 2 videos".

Sold now didn't last long
You can view the ad at Data East. The Simpsons Pinball machine 1990

£1250 near Stockport I'd have had a look of any money was available anyone interested?

Played this a lot back in the day . Have the cash and the space . Very tempted . Put it like this if that was a forum sale i would have bought it already . A long way from me though, transport a problem and already waiting for Martin to collect one for me. Hmmmmm
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I agree 100% Andy. I too played this one a lot. But with unknown sellers there is a very high risk of

1. Going and ending up disappointed
2. Going and buying the thing, even though you should have walked away
I hope whoever got the big lot earlier is someone who's going to enjoy them or a group buy and not a company who's just going to wipe the glass down and sell them on at a huge profit!
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