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Ebay account hacked


Site Supporter
10 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Newport, South Wales
Kevin Donovan
This morning I was wandering around Salisbury market when I received an ebay notification of a successful listing. I knew I had not listed anything so I tried to log into my ebay account, failed but I still managed to get my password reset luckily. logged in with new password to see the strange listing of some sandles for £75. I contacted ebay and they could see the strange activity and put and end to it and changed other details that had been changed back to normal. I then went to my associated email account and changed that password.

Have I done all I should do to prevent further access? how did they manage to get into my account in the first place?
Is your ebay linked to PayPal? I'd consider changing that password too
Change all email passwords as well. Also use two factor authentication wherever possible.

Whilst we're on the subject, cancel any phone banking you may or may not have setup and never use that service ever again from any smartphone. Some git stole £250 from my bank (possibly using a vulnerability in android to grab my phone input data - use quadrooter scanner: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.checkpoint.quadrooter&hl=en_GB to check if your phone is vulnerable to this attack) and used the phone banking service to get access to my account by correctly guessing all of my details.
I use Lastpass (https://www.lastpass.com/) as a valut to store all passwords. You can install it as an addon in browsers (e.g. Chrome) on a PC, and as an app on Android and probably iPhones too. I have one very secure password that gets me into Lastpass, then use Lastpass to generate secure passwords for all websites I use, which it autocompletes for me on the PC, and I guess it would do it on Android if I set it up too. It costs $12 a month to subscribe to and is worth it for me.
Sorry I am a bit low tec !!
Do you chaps store all your passwords on your phone /computer ?
As I do not let any device do so !!
Am I right in doing this or wrong :hmm: ?
I use Lastpass (https://www.lastpass.com/) as a valut to store all passwords. You can install it as an addon in browsers (e.g. Chrome) on a PC, and as an app on Android and probably iPhones too. I have one very secure password that gets me into Lastpass, then use Lastpass to generate secure passwords for all websites I use, which it autocompletes for me on the PC, and I guess it would do it on Android if I set it up too. It costs $12 a month to subscribe to and is worth it for me.

I use my brain to store passwords. My brain is not online and not looked after by anyone but me. It's free too. There are simple ways to store passwords.

Generate a phrase in your mind that has nothing to do with anything but what you thought of. It cannot be hacked.

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I use Lastpass (https://www.lastpass.com/) as a valut to store all passwords. You can install it as an addon in browsers (e.g. Chrome) on a PC, and as an app on Android and probably iPhones too. I have one very secure password that gets me into Lastpass, then use Lastpass to generate secure passwords for all websites I use, which it autocompletes for me on the PC, and I guess it would do it on Android if I set it up too. It costs $12 a month to subscribe to and is worth it for me.

I use my brain to store passwords. My brain is not online and not looked after by anyone but me. It's free too. There are simple ways to store passwords.

Generate a phrase in your mind that has nothing to do with anything but what you thought of. It cannot be hacked.

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Sorry I am a bit low tec !!
Do you chaps store all your passwords on your phone /computer ?
As I do not let any device do so !!
Am I right in doing this or wrong :hmm: ?

I think the securest way is to have a notepad next to you with every password written down. Nobody can hack that, unless they break into your house. But in the real world, for me personally, I just checked LastPass, and it is storing 239 different passwords for me for 239 different websites now.

The same password used on any two websites might have been the cause of Kev's problem - almost certainly so.
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I think the securest way is to have a notepad next to you with every password written down. Nobody can hack that, unless they break into your house. But in the real world, for me personally, I just checked LastPass, and it is storing 239 different passwords for me for 239 different websites now.

The same password used on any two websites might have been the cause of Kev's problem - almost certainly so.

don't use android - seriously insecure.

use a secure password thats at least 12 but ideally 16 chars long, use a phrase you can remember in your head like - the cat sat on the mat which could be Tcs0tm

Change your password at least every 3 months.

if you do use a password app make sure it stores ONLY on the phone.

use 2 factor.

but the reality is that even with that and other precautions - everybody will be done sooner or later.

check with your bank on how the handle this sort of issue, First Direct are really good in this respect.
I use my brain to store passwords. My brain is not online and not looked after by anyone but me. It's free too. There are simple ways to store passwords.

Generate a phrase in your mind that has nothing to do with anything but what you thought of. It cannot be hacked.

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Love the double post gag :thumbs::rofl:
I think the securest way is to have a notepad next to you with every password written down. Nobody can hack that, unless they break into your house. But in the real world, for me personally, I just checked LastPass, and it is storing 239 different passwords for me for 239 different websites now.

The same password used on any two websites might have been the cause of Kev's problem - almost certainly so.

possibly but also the hackers are continually running scripts to find passwords.
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