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Dutch Open - Pinball Museum, Rotterdam, 11th-13th November 2022


Feb 9, 2020
Amongst other duties, I expect to be doing the 'So You Think You Know Pinball?' free prize quiz with Jonathan at the DPO Expo once again.

I think all the seminars will be held on the top floor of the DPM building.

Hope you can make it, join in the fun and win some cool stuff.

So just checked the registered players

Gareth Arnold
Brad Attwood
Gene Aw
Peter Blakemore
Conrad Chambers
Dan Lewell
Ed Rojas
Kirk sadler
Roy Smith
Stan Simpson
Tim Thornton
Matt Vince
Jesse Walker

That’s a good turnout from the UK 🇬🇧
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Good luck to all the UK players.

When are people getting over there? I should be there mid-afternoon on Thursday, scoping out the venue and getting set-up shots.

Apparently we are doing our prize quiz on Saturday 15:15-16:00 and Sunday from 14:45-15:30, so if you want to win some free stuff come along.

There are also seminars from Eric Meunier and Jean-Paul de Win. I will be video recording them as well in case you miss them.
The Dutch Pinball Museum really is a great great place. :) Please give Gerrard (the owner) all the support you can :)

I hope all the uk people going to the open have a good time. The Dutch really know how to party and put on a good show!!
Don't forget to play the magic girl game that's been there for a year or so now on public play.
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