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Sold Dr Who


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Too many games and the need to get Banzai Run set up and playing means this has to go :( Only had it for about a month but I always bought it as something to have a quick blast with then move on. I'll get some pics up this week but there are some in Daz's thead from the end of October and I've done nothing to it other than plug it in and play:


There are a couple of things that I've noticed since picking it up that a new owner might want to sort. One of the sling plastics looks to have broken previously and it's been rounded off to make it look less obvious (I'll post a pic of this). One of the time expander switches isn't working, looks like it's stuck so this shows up in the test report as it's not registered for a while. Neither of these affect gameplay and would be quite easy fixes so this is ideal for someone looking for a first pin who wants to have a bit of a tinker or someone who just wants a Dr Who to have a blast on (like I did :)).

I paid £1100 about 4 weeks ago so that's what I'm looking for :thumbs:
Took a few pics tonight. PM me if your interested or would like specific pics or info :thumbs:















I'm interested mate what pic shows the Sling plastic thats broken?
Its a bit of a distance from Surrey would hope to fit it in my C Class estate could you give me the dimensions?
Regards Rob
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nice machine Chris would of had this of you if i had any money left

It might still be available when you're looking again mate :) Bit slow at Christmas selling pins, expecting this too hang around into the new year tbh.
About 6 mouths time for me Chris !

you could put it on fle bay for 10% more than you asking price ... tis Chrismas !!
hold out chris i know that machine and its worth £1100 was even tempted myself

Will do mate :thumbs: Tbh I think its a bit of a bargain at £1100 and I'm in no rush. It's only going to make space for my Banzai Run to come home so I could always just take Dr Who over to my Dads swap it round with BR if needed. Just seems a shame to store this one as it's not a keeper for me and I'd rather someone else enjoy it :)

Come on people, someone must want a cheap Bally Williams DMD game ;)
It's worth the price and more , it's just the time of year. Not the best to be selling a pinball.
It's a cracking machine for the money and once Chrimbo is out of the way it will fly out no problem.
Well pleased with this. Can't believe nobody else snapped it up.

Fixed the Time Expander fault this afternoon. Looks like something might have got trapped in the expander in the past (do all previous owners have all their fingers ? :)) and it bent the opto bracket and broke off the optos.

So I heated the bracket with a hot air gun and straightened it out before soldering on new optos.

Everything now 100% working. I just can't have a machine with a credit dot. :sad:



Nice, can't wait to start on mine! probably a stupid question but what is a credit dot? heard it a few times now! been in pins long enough I feel daft! as I should know

to alert an operator that game has a fault but often its time and date not set. better than that horrendous op alert knocker cavalcade introduced on system 11.
Ah I see, so how does it display? an actual dot on the matrix? I thought it just bonged on power press enter to read test report etc.......
How difficult was it to pull the time expander apart? I have the same fault and being not extremely electronic minded i decided to refrain from trying to fix it so far but i agree the dot is annoying. Nearly as annoying as the warning message on start up. So i ought to take the plunge provided that it isn't too difficult to dismantle and reassembled.
How difficult was it to pull the time expander apart? I have the same fault and being not extremely electronic minded i decided to refrain from trying to fix it so far but i agree the dot is annoying. Nearly as annoying as the warning message on start up. So i ought to take the plunge provided that it isn't too difficult to dismantle and reassembled.
Howdy Dom.

It isn't too difficult because you don't have to dismantle the whole thing. The switch block comes off with the opto sensors attached.
Turn the power off, take the balls out and lift the playfield right up.
All the electrics are plugged so you just unplug each connector.
Once they are free you need to remove the two nuts that hold the cam on that resets the dalek targets and then remove the cam.
Lower the playfield and remove the metal cover from around the back of the the Time Expander.
You will now see the four screws that hold the mini playfield in position. Remove these and you can then carefully remove the whole thing. You may need to jiggle it a bit and tilt it forwards.

If you get stuck fire me a message. :thumbs:
Thanks Andrew. I'll have a go as it doesn't sound too bad.
It isn't too bad at all. Once you have the whole thing out of the machine the opto block just unscrews and you can then feed the cable through and the unit it will come out.
I took of the Dalek target plate too to make it easier (it is held on with 4 screws).
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