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Doomed... [sigh]

My dog Yoshi had to have her anal glands taken out. £1400 it cost, and she had to wear one of those lampshades for a week.
So, Mr Brown returned home yesterday and the op was a total, better than expected success. Nice! He needs 6 weeks of cage rest so I build him an indoor enclosure according to my wife's design (different from how I suggested) and the little f***er escapes over the top within 2 hours. The twat has a fractured pelvis with 2 metal pins. So, a quick trip to B&Q and an evening building kitty house Mk.2 (just like my original idea) and there's no escaping this time.


Everyone is out for the whole day and I work at home watching Abner. He sleeps, he turns round once an hour, he eats twice, pees once. Basically, not much. Just as it should be. Kids come home from school with grandparents. Still no problem. Wife comes home and removes Buster collar (plastic cone) so he can have little stretch without it. She then makes tea and forgets to put it back on. 2 minutes later he's pulled out 4 stitches! My wife then rushes him back to our local vet before they close at 7pm to have some staples put in. £60 thank you very much and an extra check up on Friday to make sure the wound/staples aren't infected from the licking. Another £40.

So, in the blink of any eye I'm another £150 down...

... [sigh] ...
He's on the road to recovery, and that's just fantastic. At any price, its worth it. Great news.
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