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Don't you just love it when...


10 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Sarf East Lahndahn!
You go to put the bins out and hear the sound of flipping from your garage, then you go out there and see two people playing a 4 player game on both your pins!

It's a great feeling watching someone really enjoy something you've put lot of love into!

Some random people just let themselves into your garage? :eek:

I presume you know them of course - but yeah I get great pleasure from watching people play on mine, especially the grandkids. I've told the missus that we need to get a Flinstones for them and i've coached my grandson into tell me and the wife he wants to play a Monster Bash. My plan is slowly coming together..... ;)
Yeah, it was just my Dad and one of his mates. Gave them a couple of games but I'm still knackered from the weekend!
I loved this time - had a few friends round for a bbq...walking back into the house past the garage & saw this - think it gives me as much pleasure as playing them myself :)

View attachment 6848


Very sweet.

Call me anal, but I have to ask guests to keep their pants on when they play my games. We don't have many rules in our house, but....
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Great picture Dan.

My in-laws don't speak much English so when they come to stay there is not a lot of conversation. On Monday I was waiting for people to finish getting ready to go out and so I fired up a pin. The father-in-law comes in and he takes over the machine, I turn the next one on, the sister-in-law comes in and takes over. Then the mother-in-law until we are all playing and laughing when my wife comes in. It is great to watch people enjoy them.
You still not learned the lingo yet Geoff?? Me neither :oops::rolleyes:
Great picture Dan.

My in-laws don't speak much English so when they come to stay there is not a lot of conversation. On Monday I was waiting for people to finish getting ready to go out and so I fired up a pin. The father-in-law comes in and he takes over the machine, I turn the next one on, the sister-in-law comes in and takes over. Then the mother-in-law until we are all playing and laughing when my wife comes in. It is great to watch people enjoy them.
You are spot on there Dave. You know it is happening, you can sense the chill in the room, the face tells you everything. Funny enough, no-one in the room wants to translate for you either.
Smile n wave, just keep smiling and waving until they go home.
When I'd owned my first pin for about 6 months a friend came round, not interested in playing it himself - and about the only question he asked me was whether I'd played it naked yet.
TBH it hadn't ever crossed my mind until then

Anyone truly within the age of innocence can wear what they like when they play - if that same mate of mine comes round & wants to play however, I think I'd agree with the pant on rule!

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