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Does anyone still use Visual Pinball / Pinmame


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Jul 21, 2011
Reading the thread on Pinball Arcade and giving Farsight your money for tables with sometimes questionable programming, I just wondered if anyone still used VP?

You get pretty much every game ever made (except more recent Sterns?) and its all free!

I guess the downsides are that it's not plug and play, it's not as flashy as Pinball Arcade, the quality of a given table depends on the talent of the guy who did it and there's the question of the legality of using the game roms - and indeed sourcing some of them - if you don't actually own the game itself?

Interested to hear your thoughts!

Nope. I could never get either of them working adequately to give any reflection of the real game - a combination of poor physics, often juddery performance (even with a very high spec PC), poor graphics quality, and being an absolute shag to download/setup/keep up to date. Pinball Arcade was much better, but I still don't use it much - prefer the real thing, and getting a long to the shows to try our machines I've not played before
I did ....years ago - found it most useful just for checking out machines I'd never actually played/seen.

But remember it being an absolute ballache to setup so don't know if I could be bothered again. Don't really feel the need either these days.
*Woot, shag got through the profanity checker. Shaggy, shag, Shaggy McShagFace :thumbs:
Lol - i can fix that if you want.... ;)

(Tho saying that, Shag probably wouldnt get picked up on any office profanity detectors, so happy to let it slip ;) )
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I use it now and again, if only to check a table I'm potentially buying to get a feel for it. I played Tommy the other week on it which played OK and gave me an idea of the shots, layout, sound etc. Initial setup is a little awkward but after that you just download the table and ROM and place them in the corresponding folders. TSPP is another I've tried and gives you a bit of a better feel for it than just watching videos of the real table. I'd be confident buying a TSPP having only played it on Visual Pinball.
I very rarely use my laptop these days so no, I don't use it.
Pinball Arcade is become a bit crap IMO these days. I'd like to see a few older tables. I can't remember the last time I paid for a table although I would make an exception for Fathom.
Yep - no room for an actual machine in my flat, so I built this:


Approximately a 50% scaled down WMS cabinet

The physics engine has been totally rebuilt in the last year in visual pinball 10 and it's actually pretty decent now certainly significantly better than TPA.
All the SAM games are around now, SPIKE is not yet emulated in PinMame (and likely won't be for a while)
I've got an accelerometer installed in the machine to detect physical movement so you nudge the thing as you would a real one.
PinSound is also now supported.

Naturally It's not the same a real game, and I'd much rather have a real game, but it's better than nothing!
nice one Chris, any chance of a video?
preferably taken by someone else while you play it, so we can have closeups of the nudge effect and of ball's bounce, maybe even try a post pass or a live catch (so i can admire the physics being better than in TPA) .... i know a video of a video will never look the best, but i'd love to see how far digitised pinball has come, and i fail to be impressed by the Farsight mob that make TPA. i last tried VP on my laptop when it was all v5 and v6 i think so i'm ready and prepared and hoping to be impressed

gif pinball postpass.gif gif pinball deadtrap.gif gif pinball livetrap.gif
I will happily try and make a video.
The physics engine is greatly improved and post passes and tip passes are now possible, however you are requesting that I can actually, reliably DO a post past on demand to show that off ;)
But like I say it's never going to come close to the real thing
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