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DMD Extender Available...


Aug 2, 2011

Just thought I'd let you know that the DMD Extender is back in stock, £55 delivered to the UK. I've made some big changes to the website www.drpinball.co.uk - lots of information on how it works and what's coming soon.

I've also released a new version of the software which makes things easier to configure, and also incorporates new effects for the dot output, have a look at this video showing how this looks:

The software also supports Data East / Sega 128 X 32 dot machines. If anyone has a large screen game e.g. Maverick, Frankenstein, Baywatch or Batman Forever then I'd be delighted to work with you to get this format supported. Thanks to VideoBrain who helped with DE/Sega support.

I'm now working on producing an apron screen solution - thanks go to Rus121 for his assistance in this.

I also demonstrated colourising software similar to ColorDMD - this project is on indefinite hold at the moment, sorry.

Best wishes

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