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DIY Flipper Cabinet contacts


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Near Grantham
Quite a few years back when i got m,y first EM project, i bought a load of stuff from the PBR in the US and i had completly forgot thet i purchased a few contacts where you can build your own: -


Scroll down to "Common Switch Parts" near the bottom.

I had a jittery flipper issue on an EM and could not find the exact contacts i needed in the usual places, so i thought i would give building my own a go seeing as i had the bits.

They seem to work really well! They are a fraction of the cost of the built one, did not take long to do and you can reuse the fibre bits from the old ones and you do not need any special kit to create them.

So i shall be ordering more of these...


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