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Dialed In Official Trailer!

Can't wait for this game, looks like the best thing to happen in pinball since the 90s imo.
Does look good and everyone who has played one says its really good. I can't see the mini drones surviving an airball though...

heck of a trailer!

I like the fact they say they are 'destroying the competition', let's see how the other manufactures respond to that...
If they had listened to feedback at Expo and tweaked the theme, the game could have been amazing.

As it is , it will still sell by the bucketload and seems like that once people play it, they order it. Well, enough to have the production line running for some time until POTC.
A game I can't wait to play but cant see me owning one. Interesting to see if younguns engage with the phone
Hmm, Am I looking at a different game to other people? I don't think this is going to be one for me. What the hell is that plastic man going across the playfield? The whole thing looks rather plastic which comes as a surprise after the build quality of WOZ.. Maybe it's just the theme that is a total turn off for me. Hopefully if I play it I'll do a total about turn and rave over it. I'm still trying to work out if it's a hatred of plastic heads / people that means this doesn't work for me. Funhouse, Roadshow, T3 all hold zero lasting appeal. Not keen on which ever Stern it was with the superhero with claws as I also hated the look of that one. Reminds me of the toys the kids had as toddlers.

Guess it goes to show you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Glad they spent some time/money on the trailer though. Hopefully this will mean they've also spent a similar amount on the animations for the LCD as they don't have the film clips this time.

Hmmm. I hope I'm wrong (I certainly was with Aerosmith) but I still think interacting with your phone is terrible. It screams of a group of 50 something men sat around a table discussing 'what are kids digging these days ?'
Hopefully that side of it will be totally optional.
Hmmm. I hope I'm wrong (I certainly was with Aerosmith) but I still think interacting with your phone is terrible. It screams of a group of 50 something men sat around a table discussing 'what are kids digging these days ?'
Hopefully that side of it will be totally optional.
Totally agree. Stupid gimmick imo. I suspect it will be completely ignored by most.
Hmmm. I hope I'm wrong (I certainly was with Aerosmith) but I still think interacting with your phone is terrible. It screams of a group of 50 something men sat around a table discussing 'what are kids digging these days ?'
Hopefully that side of it will be totally optional.

I can't see how that feature will work or be practical on location
Its a gimmick thats there if you want it. They have bigger plans for it than just to control the flippers etc!
Hmmm. I hope I'm wrong (I certainly was with Aerosmith) but I still think interacting with your phone is terrible. It screams of a group of 50 something men sat around a table discussing 'what are kids digging these days ?'
Hopefully that side of it will be totally optional.
you can make up your mind at mine in a few weeks
i played it at expo last year, the phone is a gimmick but cool nonetheless. The play field has lots of flow on it, the rules were a bit of a hit or miss but I think they took a lot of feedback on that from expo and other playtests. the buffalo pinball guys did a stream with code v.1.0:

best JJP game i played as I though WOZ and HOB sucked.

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