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Demolition Man

Fintan Stack

10 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
Thought I'd start a Demo Man thread as it's a bit of a favourite of mine right now.
So here's a quick pic to start off.

I have two Demo Mans! Or is that Demo Men?? Or maybe it's Demo Manseses.

The two games have some slight playfield differences that I will get some pics of. Maybe one of them is a proto game or something.

So why two?
Well, I'm going to make a really nice one. But that obviously involves taking it to pieces. This way I get to do that but I am still able to play the game! Also, it's better than having to rely on hundreds of photos for the reassembly. I can just look across if I get stuck.

I have already started this project but had to wait until yesterday for Demo Man B to arrive to really get cracking. I'll upload a few pics as I go.
Nice one Dean, Demo Man is a cracking game and should get a lot more love than it gets.
I'd like another nice one some time soon, missing the peachy one I sold. Hopefully we get it back.
Chrome is ££££ - I think I got quoted £120 for the front case of a one armed bandit a couple of years ago.... And that was just the frame!!! Nickel plated can be almost as shiny and next to nothing!

Cheers for that Paul. Very useful to know. Nickel would do me just fine then. Just want to be nice and shiny! Don't really want to spend a fortune on them.
Thought I'd start a Demo Man thread as it's a bit of a favourite of mine right now.
So here's a quick pic to start off.
View attachment 19086

I have two Demo Mans! Or is that Demo Men?? Or maybe it's Demo Manseses.

The two games have some slight playfield differences that I will get some pics of. Maybe one of them is a proto game or something.

One of the two examples belonging to my old workplace had been Deith's showroom sampler. It didn't have lettering on some of the feature lamp lenses (Car Crash 3 Million, 6 Million, etc) and I'm sure it actually had 'Midway Manufacturing' next to one of the main flippers, despite being a Williams branded game. Neither ever produced that bit of speech "wonder if I can play the accordion, too?" for the match routine; an update 'master' sound Rom wouldn't work with the other (prototype?) Roms on the DCS audio board. The 'sampler' one was pinched, along with all the other equipment, when a dodgy landlord did a runner.
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I'd be interested to know what mods people have done as im not really sure of any for this pin other than profanity roms, which, if you haven't done I can highly recommend, it adds a small layer of extra, rude speach, which for me drew me back into the game like it was new. I also bought mirror blades but due to the handles the hinges are in a slightly different position on DM so the pre cut hole for the hinge is in the wrong place...:confused:
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