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Demolition Man

Fintan Stack

10 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
Continuing my trait of really enjoying games that other people hate I've got to tell you guys, I am loving Demo Man right now. I bought a nice one off a fellow forum member and have had it a few weeks now. I have to say that I really like it. :eek:

To be honest, after the first 10-20 games I hated it and thought I had made a mistake buying it and thought I would probably move it on quickly. But after persevering with it a little longer I am now quite taken with it. It may even be my favourite wide body. Not sure yet.

When you can hit a few combos in succession the flow of the game is incredible. I think the left side of the game is a little bit wasted but because its a wide body it kind of gets away with it.

Haven't had a monster game yet really. I think my best is about 1.3 billion and that was after reaching Demolition Time for the first time.

Anyway, I think it's pretty cool. (If you can get over the translite that is.) Any one else here like this game or is it just me again?! :p
Demo Man rules, apart from the crap translite. Love the flow and the excessive amount of ramps. Have you found the hidden jackpots and the cow yet?
Have you found the hidden jackpots and the cow yet?

I have found some hidden jackpots (by accident!) but no cow. Should I cheat or just see if I accidentally find it?

Do you ever use the handles instead of the flipper buttons? I have tried a few times but I don't like it. Doesn't feel right at all.
You really need to use the handles. To start with the combos are double if you use the handles which makes a big difference in the games. The cow/jackpots are also something to do with these.......
You really need to use the handles. To start with the combos are double if you use the handles which makes a big difference in the games. The cow/jackpots are also something to do with these.......

I didn't know that about the combos. Damn it. I will have to try using them again then I guess.
Glad I am not the only one who love this game.
Bang for buck Demo Man takes some beating, great fun and plenty going on for little money.
Enjoy Dean.
Someone I sold a DMD Extender to has replaced his screen in Demo Man and used different colours for the dots - I thought it looked pretty good...
If you fancy doing the same let me know - I can build you a full screen replacement, it just slots in instead of the plasma.
I hate the game - looks like it should be loads of fun ....isn't :p One of the quickest 'in and outs ' I have owned. Such depressing music too.

Maybe too quick though? I honestly hated it for the first day or two.

Love the music too!
If you fancy doing the same let me know - I can build you a full screen replacement, it just slots in instead of the plasma.

I still want to do this with mine.... I dont mind sitting there colouring the dots myself. Colordmd don't do Jolly park yet, nor will i suspect they will ever in the future :(
I still want to do this with mine.... I dont mind sitting there colouring the dots myself. Colordmd don't do Jolly park yet, nor will i suspect they will ever in the future :(
The Demo Man screen above is achieved by using different colours for the 4 shades on the DMD...
Paul, you would be there forever colouring dots.
We would never see you again.
If you fancy doing the same let me know - I can build you a full screen replacement, it just slots in instead of the plasma.

Do you mean a 'kit' that would be ready to just plug in? Sorry I'm a bit behind on the DMD extender progress.
Do you mean a 'kit' that would be ready to just plug in? Sorry I'm a bit behind on the DMD extender progress.
I've made a couple of full 'kits' for people and have 2 myself. The kit is a pre-built screen system ready to plug in.

I didn't mention this before but it's something I'd like to offer. What's put me off in the past is posting fragile screens and having to give warranty on them - but for sending in the UK it's less of an issue. Drop me a PM is you're interested so I don't hijack this thread anymore! I'll post something separately when I have things finalised.
He did one for my Spiderman.
Great piece of kit and I can have any colour I want of multi coloured if wanted.
It's not here at the moment but I will post some when I get chance.
I am running it white and it looks sweet.
Maybe too quick though? I honestly hated it for the first day or two.

Love the music too!

Nah - I have never thought much of it, I picked one up to give it a proper go ....ended up thinking even less of it ;) Odd because I am a big fan of Nordman games. I personally think it would of worked better as a non-widebody.
Had a few demo man pins really like it ,keep on selling it then miss it and buy another,a great game with the swear roms in it!
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