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Demolished man !!!


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10 Years
Jan 14, 2013
So guys,

Here are the first pics when opened my demo man !!!!

Amazingly all the electronics/solenoids etc basically work and DMD is perfectand boards look brand new!!!

Claw optos duff but motor and gearbox ok - elevator just seems dead at the moment. But boy oh boy is there some rust on this bad boy and cab and head are both shot

So who thinks it is a doer up still or a breaker for parts now ???

should I start a poll !!!

Cheers Kev
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Rust? What rust? Stick it all in the tumbler ;)

Thing is, if it's too rusty to fix then surely there's little value breaking it for parts. Sorry, I just can't let you do that! Gotta save 'em all. Seen far worse than this brought back to life.

C'mon! Think of it as a challenge!
Having seen what @Nedreud managed with his Paragon and Goldball i'd have to say it's possible to get that back in good shape.

Simple? Definitely not.
Quick? I doubt it.

But - certainly possible with some time and effort. :)

It might not be a AAA title but it still deserves to be saved.
all depends how much time effort and hard earned cash you want to put into a 1k game for me it would be a sell on e bay as project or part out
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playfield is ok apart from 2 bits of wear at flippers but needs hell of a lot of polishing or clearcoating, which I think I would do to help protect it. Just need to attempt a repair on the paint!!!!

a few pics of wear rust and muck!!!

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rust around posts and the muck in the switch slots is unreal lol !!!!!
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need some help with a new ramp flap if anyone on here can help - please!!!!

general shots

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I've had similar, a lot of that stuff can be sorted with re-plating BUT there is a ton of work in there and you've shown no pics of the topside so I imagine horrendous ramp flaps and multiple other issues. I would say £150 in plating and £250 in parts plus about 60 hours work would get you close to a £1k ish machine, personally I would let it go on eBay as a project.

Edit to add, you posted that pic whilst I typed - is exactly how I imagined it, the rust on the playfield around and under the ramp flaps is pretty difficult to get off
Has it been in a river?
AT least I think Carl !!! but the electronics are all mint its weird and they look original - don't think its been switched on for 10 years!!!! It powers up and all solenoids work!!!

Cheers Kev
I think if I can get a cab and a head I will go for it - lets see what offers of help can be made!!

@steve brum has already promised me a demo man cab FOC once he strips one he has, so just a head to find, and then its game on (pardon the pun!)

Cheers Kev
To be honest, after you put all the money, time and effort in, its still a demoman, its not the most desirable machine and its not like it was a small production run.

I do like demoman and would definitely own one at some point but the kindest thing to do would be to part this one out.
Demoman is a great printable and deserves to be saved.
Kev is going to do a cracking job and the end result will be a fully working great bang for buck pinball back from the dead for someone to enjoy playing.
Go Kev, go.
Great game Demo Man. Seems a shame to trash it if it is savalageble. Does look like a lot of work though! It would probably have to be a labour of love as they are a pretty cheap game compared to a lot of other 90s DMD games.

I'm going to be listing one of my DMs for sale tomorrow. You could just buy that instead! ;)
Great game Demo Man. Seems a shame to trash it if it is savalageble. Does look like a lot of work though! It would probably have to be a labour of love as they are a pretty cheap game compared to a lot of other 90s DMD games.

I'm going to be listing one of my DMs for sale tomorrow. You could just buy that instead! ;)
now you tell me @Fintan Stack !!!! only joking - I did buy it knowing it was trashed and going to be a bit of a challenge but hey ho all good fun!!!!

Cheers Kev
Looking at the under-playfield pictures, I notice that the slingshot coils have the terminals positioned away from the stop end of their brackets. I used to reverse them like that on my works' machines, especially after wiping out a perfectly good coil on a Getaway when sliding the playfield forwards.
Yep that's doable kev,ive had a few almost write offs come my way........ Bit of elbow grease.... Out they go a good working game!
Oh my god. I had no idea it was that bad!!

Kev, if you think I've ripped you off, I'll refund you.
Simon says you can do it Newdos, good luck, look forward as always to your write up

You do a fantastic job on pins. But renovating this game is probably a victory of the heart over the head. I enjoy playing Demo Man, but I would basically sell this on as is or break it. Maybe swap out any good bits (dmd), unhacked boards etc for your other games before selling as a project

Your talents can be applied to better candidates than this.

If it were a top title, like a Medieval Madness, then maybe save it. But as Nick said, there is an absolute tonne of work in this. Everywhere you look there is deep Corrosion. A tumbler won't shift much of this so you are talking harsh abrasives followed by stages of metal finishing.

And at the end, I doubt it will be a top example of a Demo Man. Should you sell it on, the sale price might well disappoint you
I swear I posted on this thread later imploring Kev to work his magic on this, not because it's an awesome title but because it would be such an interesting project and shop log.

How far do you gave to go to fix a game in this condition without just throwing $$$ of new parts at it?

I know I'm an extremist for restoration but I'd love to sink my teeth into this!

@newdos, if you do as @DRD suggests and pick off the best bits I might be interested in having a go at the remaining project. Maybe it's about time I upgraded to the DMD era!!!
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